In this generation of rising adults, I have felt such a strong pull for the need to always be doing the best, and being the best, and accomplishing faster than EVERYONE around me. It creates a whirlwind of chaos, fear, anxiety, excitement, yet major self-doubt in the process. I feel that those of us who are rising adults, or just spreading our wings into our first career-oriented job, have the sense that we are just NEVER good enough.
We won't be good enough or worthy of praise until we graduate college, or until we are accomplished in our career field, or until we lose the 20 pounds we gained this last year.
I am tired of this way of thinking and feeling. We ARE good enough, right here and right now.
Life doesn't always go the way we originally planned, and that does not make us any less worthy of love and a sense of belonging in this world.
To me, being successful should not only hold true for those who have been fortunate enough to go through the steps of life in what is considered "socially normal" (i.e. graduate high school, go to college, meet the love of your life, graduate college, start your career, get married, have babies, live happily ever after).
Rather, why not let us all see the success in the abundance of COURAGE in those who have suffered from painful life experiences, that have chosen to grow up, take responsibility, and rise above in the end?
To me, it is not about where you start, it is about where you DECIDE which path your life will take with what you are given. Each day, we make THOUSANDS of seemingly small choices, that all end up creating our habits and ultimately our entire fates.
If you take what you are given and try to be and do your best with it, you are SUCCESSFUL and COURAGEOUS in my eyes.
All of these thoughts have reminded me of the story of my upline Star Diamond coach Lindsay Matway's story, who created the entire Bombshell Dynasty (or the umbrella team that I am under as a Beachbody coach). Linsday dropped out of high school at 16, and made most of her money into her mid-20's as a bartender. She never finished school, never stepped foot into college, and would sometimes try starting new business ideas (she calls herself a "serial entrepreneur"). She felt like she was never good enough for anything and would never amount to anyone truly worthy of love.
As if things couldn't get much tougher, she ended up getting pregnant with her boyfriend of a few months. In the last stages of her pregnancy, her daughter had many health complications, causing her to be born prematurely, and racking up about $400,000 of hospital debt.
Lindsay ended up being a 25 year old (partially) single mother and bartender with $400,000 in debt. She filed bankruptcy and her and the father of her child decided something had to give.
That's when she discovered P90X, and was desperate to get back into shape after having her daughter. Well, she ended up getting in incredible shape, and becoming a coach to help others get in shape. She worked HARD for YEARS and she now has not only paid off all of her debt, but is a MILLIONAIRE and was able to pay off her house with CASH last year!
So, you could say the rest is history, but let's look back for a second here.
Lindsay hit a fork in the road and she had two choices: 1) give up and continue to think of herself as unworthy and keep scraping by with her bartender paychecks and tips, because reaching out and trying something else is too risky, or 2) get RID of the blame and self-hate. Love yourself NOW and see yourself as worthy NOW. Stop giving up and start FIGHTING for something no matter what!
Luckily, she chose the latter. And that is what I have chosen and strive to choose every day. That is what I hope YOU will begin to choose!
Take Lindsay's story and just THINK about how powerful loving ourselves can truly be. Not only has she become financially free, but has been able to live her life by her own design, and has become one of the most inspirational leaders in all of Beachbody, and just for anyone looking to change their lives that have never thought themselves capable, and that they are too far gone for that option.
When we finally realize how much we are capable of in the here and now, and that all of the seemingly small choices we are making now will and DO make an impact- that is when we can really let our light out into the world and create MIRACLES.
Love yourself now, because you are worth it. Take risks. Find your passion and WORK for it. Do what you can right now to get where you want to be... those grueling night classes and 9-5 jobs will be worth what you are fighting for! NEVER GIVE UP!
To me, being successful should not only hold true for those who have been fortunate enough to go through the steps of life in what is considered "socially normal" (i.e. graduate high school, go to college, meet the love of your life, graduate college, start your career, get married, have babies, live happily ever after).
Rather, why not let us all see the success in the abundance of COURAGE in those who have suffered from painful life experiences, that have chosen to grow up, take responsibility, and rise above in the end?
To me, it is not about where you start, it is about where you DECIDE which path your life will take with what you are given. Each day, we make THOUSANDS of seemingly small choices, that all end up creating our habits and ultimately our entire fates.
If you take what you are given and try to be and do your best with it, you are SUCCESSFUL and COURAGEOUS in my eyes.
All of these thoughts have reminded me of the story of my upline Star Diamond coach Lindsay Matway's story, who created the entire Bombshell Dynasty (or the umbrella team that I am under as a Beachbody coach). Linsday dropped out of high school at 16, and made most of her money into her mid-20's as a bartender. She never finished school, never stepped foot into college, and would sometimes try starting new business ideas (she calls herself a "serial entrepreneur"). She felt like she was never good enough for anything and would never amount to anyone truly worthy of love.
As if things couldn't get much tougher, she ended up getting pregnant with her boyfriend of a few months. In the last stages of her pregnancy, her daughter had many health complications, causing her to be born prematurely, and racking up about $400,000 of hospital debt.
Lindsay ended up being a 25 year old (partially) single mother and bartender with $400,000 in debt. She filed bankruptcy and her and the father of her child decided something had to give.
That's when she discovered P90X, and was desperate to get back into shape after having her daughter. Well, she ended up getting in incredible shape, and becoming a coach to help others get in shape. She worked HARD for YEARS and she now has not only paid off all of her debt, but is a MILLIONAIRE and was able to pay off her house with CASH last year!
So, you could say the rest is history, but let's look back for a second here.
Lindsay hit a fork in the road and she had two choices: 1) give up and continue to think of herself as unworthy and keep scraping by with her bartender paychecks and tips, because reaching out and trying something else is too risky, or 2) get RID of the blame and self-hate. Love yourself NOW and see yourself as worthy NOW. Stop giving up and start FIGHTING for something no matter what!
Luckily, she chose the latter. And that is what I have chosen and strive to choose every day. That is what I hope YOU will begin to choose!
Take Lindsay's story and just THINK about how powerful loving ourselves can truly be. Not only has she become financially free, but has been able to live her life by her own design, and has become one of the most inspirational leaders in all of Beachbody, and just for anyone looking to change their lives that have never thought themselves capable, and that they are too far gone for that option.
Love yourself now, because you are worth it. Take risks. Find your passion and WORK for it. Do what you can right now to get where you want to be... those grueling night classes and 9-5 jobs will be worth what you are fighting for! NEVER GIVE UP!

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