Monday, September 8, 2014

Beachbody Coaching: The job that works FOR military spouses!

"Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from." -Seth Godin

As a future Air Force wife, when Stephen and I got together and started talking more and more about marriage, I began to wonder what sort of career path would be the smartest choice for me to take. I wanted a job that would make it easy to get time off for the unexpected days he has to deploy, or the unexpected days he comes BACK from a deployment. I wanted to be able to jump in the car to be the one to take him to the airport or pick him back up. I wanted a job that could work well for both of our schedules, to be able to spend time with him on his random days off, or spend more time with him on the days leading up to him being gone for months at a time. I wanted a job that was mobile, that I could take with me no matter where we go.... whether it be across the U.S., or even in another country! Or whether or not we may have to move every few years, a job that wouldn't cause me to have to constantly start all the way over, transfer to another location, or be months without a job while I'm searching for the perfect place and trying to build up my resume.

Of course, this type of job description sounds a little too good to be true, right? I couldn't imagine a job existing in which my schedule was entirely up to me.... if I wanted to work all day, I could work all day, and my PAY would directly reflect the WORK I put in (no limits!). If I wanted to have a last minute day off, or heck, three days off, it was all in my hands. If we had to move around all over the world, possibly pretty frequently, it wouldn't hurt my business at all... in fact, it would probably help!

When I first moved in with Stephen, it was tough for me. I graduated with a degree in Family & Child Sciences, and had a passion for teaching. I picked up a job at the local preschool, working from about 7am-4pm Monday through Friday. It was hard. If we didn't have weeks or months in advance of time to know when Stephen was leaving for a TDY or deployment, I could pretty much kiss having that day off goodbye. When he would be coming home, as many of you know, it can be next to impossible to predict the exact day he's coming back to try to get off of work. And then, if you do get a day off and it ends up that he comes home the next day instead (from whatever random complications), you not only don't get to have the actual day off now, but the day you did get off ended up being one that resulted in a loss of money and your sanity for sitting at the house alone. Husbandless and now even more broke.

All of that changed when the opportunity for Beachbody coaching came along. It was during his second deployment that I became very serious about getting in shape. It had been previously really hard for me, as I was working 40+ hours a week, planning for a wedding, and trying to spend time with all of my loved ones inbetween. It was easy to just want to sleep in longer and lay around when I got home from work, often turning to unhealthy foods that were fast and satisfied my feelings of stress and unhappiness for the work week ahead. But, I changed. I ordered an at home fitness program through my Beachbody coach, threw out all of the bad foods from my pantry, and started fresh. I lost almost 10 pounds in the process, and immediately wanted to share my success with others.

At first, I had said "absolutely not!" to the coaching opportunity. I was insanely busy, and didn't think I had nearly enough time to start a business around everything else in my schedule. However, it was something I was so passionate about. Like... more than anything ever before! I saw huge potential for it, and decided to give it a try. I mean heck, what did I have to lose? I started building my online coaching business at home, in my PJ's, on my coach, for just about 1-2 hours a day. Seriously, that is it! I would post the things I needed to post in the morning before work, post something on my lunch break, and catch up a little bit when I got home from work. Before I knew it, I was making practically as much as my Pre-K teaching job.

And you know what? The week before Stephen got back from his deployment, I got to leave my full-time teaching job. I got to spend that whole week at home with Stephen. I got FREEDOM for my life- for OUR lives.

Now for the best part: If you are an active duty military member, or a SPOUSE (*ahem* me lol) of an active duty military member, you can coach as a Beachbody coach for TOTALLY 100% FREE. Yes, FREE! I literally started an entire business from home, doing what I love and helping others get in amazing shape, a totally limitless financial opportunity.... for ZERO DOLLARS! I mean, even if you aren't a military member, it only costs you $39.95 to sign up and $15/month, so even then, what do you have to lose?! Not to mention ---> a ton of killer discounts, free prizes every month (clothes/workout gear/cute totes/etc.), and getting to choose WHO you work with.

When I started coaching, my first passion was to help anyone and everyone that I could get into the best healthy and happy state of their lives. Now, I want to do that AND spread the knowledge of this business opportunity to as many people as possible... ESPECIALLY you military members and spouses! I know the gut wrenching feeling of not being able to spend time with your other half when they are about to leave. I know that awful feeling of being stuck at work all day the day after they got home from a deployment. I know the fear of walking away from the people you love so much at your current job when you get orders to PCS, and the fear of not being able to get another job.

What if you knew you had the opportunity to change all of that? What if you had the opportunity to put your family, your money, your schedule, into your own hands? What if a few months of sacrifice meant a whole lifetime of freedom and happiness?

I want to share every single step that I have taken to get where I am today- to have the means to be a future stay at home mom because I'm making enough to help support our family, and to have all of the vacation time in the world that I need. I want to share this with YOU!

Apply here to join my team and possibly be in my next coach training group to get you to the freedom that you and your family deserves! -->

Or, want to join a fitness support group? Start getting in the best shape of your life in a fun, supportive environment to see if coaching is for you! -->

With love,

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