Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Vanilla Shakeology Ice Cream

One of my favorite things about Shakeology: while it's the healthiest, most nutritious meal of the day, it's also the key ingredient to making a plethora of guilt free sweets and treats! If you could make ice cream that tastes amazing, is made from all healthy, natural ingredients, and would only aid in your weight loss- wouldn't you do it!?

Well, here you go! Don't waste your whole day's calories on Coldstone or Marble Slab anymore, because this ice cream is AMAZING!

Let me also note that I'm sure this recipe would also be delicious with Strawberry or Chocolate Shakeology, as well! 

Vanilla Shakeology Ice Cream

What you'll need:

-2 scoops vanilla Shakeology
-2 frozen bananas (easier if broken into pieces before frozen)
-1 cup skim or almond milk
-2 tbsps. all natural peanut butter (try crunchy if you like a crunch in your ice cream!)


Combine all ingredients in blender or food processor; Blend until smooth. Eat and store the rest in the freezer for when your sweet tooth hits!

21 Day Fix approved: 1 RED, 1 YELLOW, I PURPLE, 1 TBSP.

With love,

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