Monday, September 15, 2014

Tony Horton's Sticky Bars

This goes down as one of my FAVORITE snacks EVER! It's full of complex carbs, healthy fats, natural sugars and ingredients... oh man, just so mouth watering. If you love peanut butter and bananas like me, you will LOVE these sticky bars straight from the man himself! #TonyHorton

I did make one little tweak that you won't find if you look up his original recipe, and that's the type of granola. Tony recommends an unsweetened plain granola. When I first went out for the ingredients to make these yummy bars myself, I couldn't find any such granola, and picked Bear Naked's Blueberry Granola. Can I just say: "best decision ever"?! It gave it a little kick that I don't think I'd want to go without now!

So, here are the exact ingredients and steps I used when making them!

Tony Horton's Sticky Bars


1 cup Bear Naked Blueberry granola
1/2 cup crunchy all natural peanut butter
1/2 banana
wax paper or aluminum foil


-Mix and mash granola, peanut butter, and banana in a bowl until mixed well.
-Spoon mixture onto wax paper or aluminum foil, and roll into a "log" shape.
-Stick in freezer for at least 2 hours.
-Remove from freezer and slice into pieces!

Enjoy as a post workout snack, or healthy snack on the go!

WARNING: You may just become addicted. 

With love,


  1. How do you store after freezin? Refrigerator?

    1. Sasha,

      I personally always keep it in the freezer! It doesn't make it unbearably solid frozen, but just a nice cold with a crunch. I'm afraid putting it in the fridge would make it become less solid (which I think it needs to stay solid with the bananas in it).
