Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Spaghetti Squash Mac 'n Cheese

Ok, not going to lie, I am a BIG sucker for comfort food, ESPECIALLY good ol' macaroni and cheese! A bunch of gooey cheese and delicious carbs, what could be better?! Well, a LOT of things for the waist, actually!

I have continued to look for ways to get the deliciousness of macaroni and cheese without the fatty, carbed-up pasta. Whole grain pasta wasn't quite cutting it for the PiYo meal plan I was trying to abide by, but when I came across this whole spaghetti squash deal... I was sold!

I have actually tried other spaghetti squash recipes and just could not get into it, but this one is DELICIOUS!

Also, if you are doing the PiYo meal plan like me, it is perfect for any meal calling for 2 servings of a secondary veggies, 1 (or 2 depending on broccoli intake) primary veggie(s), and 2 healthy fats!
*If you are interested in PiYo, check out more about it here!

So ENJOY indulging in this seemingly bad, but really so GOOD, southern comfort dish!

Spaghetti Squash Mac 'n Cheese

Recipe slightly adapted from Lizzie Fuhr's Popsugar website!
-1 medium to large spaghetti squash
-Olive oil spray
-2 cups broccoli
-1 tbsp. margarine or butter (alternatives: vegetable oil, olive oil, Smart Balance butter, ghee)
-1 tbsp. whole wheat flour
-1 cup fat free milk or unsweetened almond milk
-1 cup reduced fat shredded cheddar cheese
-1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese
-salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut spaghetti squash in half, and scoop out and eliminate all seeds. Spray the inside of both halves with the olive oil cooking spray, and place them open side up on a foil covered cooking sheet. Cook for about 50 minutes, or until tender.

Remove squash from oven, and when cool enough to handle, scrape flesh, or the "noodles," into a large bowl. Add in the broccoli and set aside.

Meanwhile, in a large saucepan melt butter and whole wheat flour on medium heat. Add milk while stirring quickly. Reduce to low heat and add in cheeses. Stir until cheeses are melted.

Pour cheese sauce over squash and broccoli mixture. Serve and devour. :)

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