Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Healthy Taco Salad

I love any chance I can get to have a Southwestern meal without a ton of unhealthy carbs and fat! Taco salads are also one of my go-to meals at restaurants (and have them hold the sour cream and nachos, of course!)

Here's a delicious and SUPER cheap recipe you can make at home in a jiffy, that everyone will love!

Healthy Taco Salad

What You'll Need

-1 lb. lean ground turkey
-1 bag of frozen Southwestern vegetable mix (sold at Sam's) including corn, black beans, onion, red and green pepper
-2 cups shredded low fat cheddar cheese
-Romaine lettuce
-1 packet of low sodium taco seasoning or homemade taco seasoning
*optional: homemade guacamole or plain Greek yogurt in replacement for sour cream


1) Brown ground turkey in sauce pan until all the way cooked. In the meantime, be steaming Southwestern veggies until they are cooked.

2) Once ground turkey is done, drain water and add taco seasoning and vegetable mix. Cook together until seasoned to taste.

3) Make salad with washed romaine lettuce, and portion meat and vegetable mixture on top. Top with cheese, yogurt ("sour cream"), guacamole, and whatever other Southwestern toppings you love!

Devour & ENJOY!

21 Day Fix lovers: 1.5 RED/ 1 GREEN/ 1.2 YELLOW/ 1/2 BLUE

With love,

Amanda James

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