Sunday, September 28, 2014

My First Super Saturday!

One of my favorite things about being a Beachbody coach is the amazing friendships I have made along the way. To me, other Beachbody coaches aren't just "coworkers" or some crazy competitors, but they are my motivation, my friends, my inspiration, and my family. We have a bond like no other, and no matter where life has taken us, we are all here for the same mission: to help others change their lives and bring them happiness!

I love that our CEO thrives off of building as many events as possible to get all of us together to share ideas, have a fun and interactive way to learn about new products, and find some of the other coaches that are living in our area! So aside from the yearly Summit, some Success Club trips, and get-togethers we can make ourselves, Beachbody has quarterly Super Saturdays! Every 3 months on a Saturday, we get to either host our own, or find another group in the area hosted by another coach and hang out with their crew! This month's, on the 27th, was my very first! My coach, Carmel Daly, and I hosted it together- it was a blast! We had coaches from all over (one traveling from Georgia) stop in and go through all of the upcoming materials with us. We learned about Beachbody's first ever Fall Classic (a fun competition for coaches to earn INCREDIBLE free prizes, just from helping others) and the release of some pretty stellar programs, including Tony Horton's newest addition P90!

These events are great, because they are super informative for not only current coaches, but people who have been interested in what the Beachbody coaching opportunity is all about! I know sometimes it can be scary to dive head first into a new opportunity without all of the details, so it's an incredibly fun way to learn about the business, talk one-on-one with current coaches, and actually get to utilize the products! I brought my Shakeology gear along so we could all enjoy a shake, while Carmel brought her PiYo program so we could enjoy PiYo Buns!

So, if you've been interested in Beachbody, but tend to learn better through hands on activities, definitely join us for our NEXT Super Saturday on January 10, 2015! Fill out the coaching form below, and just specify in the comments that you're interested in the next Super Saturday, and we will be in touch! The best part is, it is a totally FREE way to try out all of the products and learn about this business before investing more time and money!

So, get ready to meet the happiest, most loving and caring people you've ever met... I love my fellow Beachbody coaches!

Fill out my online form.
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