Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Why I'm GIDDY With Excitement!

Man, SO much has been happening, I didn't even know how to make this blog post about ONE topic! I feel like I haven't been able to just share the random things that have been going on in my life with you guys, so today is better late than never!

21 Day Fix: Round 2!

If you checked out my review of 21 Day Fix the first round, you know how crazy I am about this program!! I have completed a few over the last (almost) year [Turbo Fire, P90X3, PiYo, 21 Day Fix] and I have to say, it is my favorite so far. That's so tough to decide since each program has been so different and what I needed at each point in my life.

Turbo Fire was the most fun, upbeat cardio program I have EVER done in my life. I had about 10 pounds of extra blubber I wanted to shed, and hate hate hate cardio, so I really went out on a limb with it... and fell in love. Well, ok I hated it for about the first couple of weeks lol, but I pushed through and I am SO glad that I did!!! It made me break down walls and barriers that I never had before... like to the point of tears after finishing Fire 40 all the way through- Chalene Johnson is just that powerful. I did shed the weight, and am forever thankful for that program! Even if I never finish it again, I could never let it go!

P90X3 has to be a close second as my all time favorite program to the Fix. It's intense, quick, and combines a TON of different workouts into one- which is what I love! I'm a huge weight lifting fan, I would choose it over cardio any day of the week, so naturally I enjoyed it a lot. But, even the cardio bits were fun because they were never your average cardio, but were MMX, Agility X, Warrior X- a TON of different fun, heart racing exercises in a 30 minute video. It was just a blast and got me the most ripped I have ever been. I lost 8 inches, but gained 2 pounds in lean muscle, and I was NOT sad about it. I'm still waiting to hear if I got accepted into the newest P90X3 infomercial!

Getting ready to record some clips to send in to Team Beachbody for the infomercial!

PiYo was really great. I will be honest and say that it wasn't my typical thing, but it definitely opened the doors to fitness for so many women around me, that when I had my very first PiYo only challenge group, that was one of the closest knit groups I have EVER had. It's an amazing gateway program to fitness for all fitness levels. It really did improve my strength and flexibility, and I had little muscles showing up from places I didn't even know I had muscles, lol! I still like to go to it for active recovery days, and days that my joints just aren't too happy with me, but it wasn't totally me, if that makes sense.

Then... 21 Day Fix came into my life. It is everything I love PLUS some. It's a ton of different exercises, quick to have you in and out, but included one extra thing that NO other program has so far: the. best. meal. plan. EVER. I was honestly super skeptical about it working, but every single person I knew that had finished the 3 weeks of the program before had gotten killer results, so I wanted to try! I had just a few extra stubborn pounds around the belly/thigh area that I was looking to shred, and it totally did that. In 21 days. And while the workouts are so important, I know that the food was CRUCIAL, and that the exact way this program has you eating was fat burning POWER to my body all darn day long! Ask ANYONE you know that has done this program- it is the best!

WHY 21 Day Fix is so important to me right now:

As many of you know, I am military family. I've been living with my Air Force man for about a year, and his job results in him leaving. A lot. To many different places and with VERY short notice! So, when this happens, all we can really do is survive with laughter and try to make a positive out of it. The first time he ever deployed, I decided I was going to get in tip top shape and surprise him when he got back. I was still in school at FSU, so I did what I could at the gym, and did totally surprise him when he got back! But guess what happened?! Happy weight came right back on when he got back. Haha! The second time he deployed, I got really serious about it. I had gained all the weight back at that point, and I felt awful. Many people said I didn't look it, but to me it's not always about how you look- it's about how you feel. Anyway, that's when I did Turbo Fire, and then became a Beachbody coach quickly after that because I was obsessed with what the program and Shakeology did for my life, that I had to spread it to everyone around me!!!

Thank goodness I became a coach, because now I could never allow myself to go back to my old ways- that's just a personal choice. To me, if I am going to be a role model leading others to health and fitness, I need to be the best example of that as possible! So, it's amazing accountability.

Anywho, Stephen has left again for a much shorter amount of time, but this time it is RIGHT before our wedding! So, I'm throwing myself into fitness again! It's how I stay sane, and how I survive. I like to see how fit I can get before he gets back! Luckily since this one is only 21 days long, it'll be just about perfect! Since the food is so important, I know that's why I get in the best shape even faster than any of the other programs- since abs are SERIOUSLY made in the kitchen!

As for my BOMBSQUAD Fitness Team...

I have just recently had some of the most incredible people join my team. They are on fire, have been getting shredded with Beachbody programs and Shakeology, and like me, have become ready to share it with the world! I am so happy for them. I am so excited for the people that they will reach. We are ready to end the trend of obesity and help those that need our help, like we one day did when our coaches found us. Really, I think fitness should always be done with a tribe like mine- we uplift each other, support each other, give each other advice and tips, and never let one another fail!

I've heard some people make fun of Beachbody coaches, saying "why do I need one?! I already have the program and shakes- I already know what to do each day." And to that I say, that is totally fine. If you don't want someone's help and want to do it alone, that is a personal choice and I totally stand by it. To each their own. As coaches, we are not nutritional and fitness experts. We are not going to stand by you and train you when you are working out. We are here to support you and help you through this life changing process. Starting over is hard- making huge life changes are hard. We are just people who have been there and struggled with it too, and now want to help you do the same. We have groups with other people doing the same programs and try to bring everyone together, and there is nothing like it. I will never be ashamed for what I do, because I know I needed it at one point (still do), and someone else does too! You don't have to go through your fitness journey alone!

I am starting a new coach training for a couple of my coaches, and if you think now is the time you'd like to start your own journey and get awesome discounts, or continue your journey and help others, then here you go! Go ahead and fill out the form below and we will chat! 21 Day Fix is on an incredible discount for this month only, so go ahead and get it and join me today!

Love you guys, thanks for reading!

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