Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Year of Blessings!

It's my fourth week of P90X3 & Body Beast hybrid, and I realized in disbelief that as the beginning of November, this week officially marks one YEAR since I joined my first Bombshell Fitness Challenge Group, and ordered Turbo Fire and Shakeology. I was terrified at the thought of putting down that money on an at-home fitness program and some weird powder beverage I had never heard of, especially as a broke preschool teacher. But, there was just something inside me saying that it was what I needed. I had people telling me I would never finish the program, and that Shakeology was stupid, but in reality- it was one of the best things to ever happen to me! I am so thankful I invested in something I was so skeptical about.

Not only am I now in the best shape that I have ever been, but that seemingly small decision ended up completely changing my life! Beachbody coaching is now a business for me. I get to earn money by helping change the lives of others like my coach did for me a year ago- finding a program that fit my needs and that I would love, finding the right Shakeoloy flavor for me, and then giving me the accountability and fun support I needed to finish the program in my challenge group. Sometimes it's hard to believe that this is my "job"- doing something that I am so passionate about, and that is so much fun, and I get to literally watch people transform their lives! Not to mention, that as an active duty military family, it is totally free. How many businesses can you begin for FREE!? Pure craziness!!!!

So now, a year later:
The Workouts

Oh man, I have been LOVING the mixture of P90X3 and Body Beast more than ANYTHING! I have typically been using P90X3 workouts for an added mixture of cardio, and using Body Beast workouts the majority of the time for lifting sequences. Because of how fast-paced Body Beast is, I'm thinking it already gives me the cardio balance I need, because I am huffing, puffing, and dripping sweat the entire video! However, sometimes our bodies just need a break from pumping iron, so I enjoy P90X3 for MMX, Yoga, Pilates, Agility X, Dynamix, Isometrix, and lots of other great workouts.

I might be a bit of a freak, but having sore muscles is one of my favorite things in this world! There is something about pushing yourself past your limits each workout... lifting a muscle group until it feels like you are about to bust through your shirt and can barely move your arms or legs anymore. Then, the next day, the pain of the work you accomplished and just knowing the definition of muscle that will soon be there!

Of course, with harder weightlifting exercises comes more of an importance of nourishing your body correctly. Before, I would always workout first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. With Body Beast, I have been drinking a protein shake or eating a protein bar prior to exercising, and then immediately either drinking my Shakeology for breakfast, or having a different protein supplement directly afterwards. I know how much strain I am putting on my muscles with this program, so I want to make sure that I am properly feeding them to repair the tears and help them grow stronger and bigger with each workout!

I am also SO SO close to a pull-up... I am waiting for the day that I can post my first real pull-up on here!

The Meal Plan

I have started to pay more attention to my carb intake than any other food group, because I want to skip the "bulk" stage of Body Beast straight to the "cutting" stage, since my wedding is only two weeks away! No bulking necessary for me right now!

I am trying to consume 2g of protein per pound of body weight, and only about 1g of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Of course, some days are better than others. Like, last night (Saturday is ALWAYS my cheat night), I probably ate my body weight in blueberry biscuits and sausage and biscuit casserole at a pot luck party... BUT today I will use that to my advantage with heavier workouts and more carb cutting than before! I want these muscles to be out and about more than ever in my wedding dress.

Stephen has been enjoying eating healthier too, and with our hectic lifestyles, I've been enjoying making super easy, big meals and snacks for us to pick on throughout the week and that I can easily pack for him when he goes to work!

Basil Pesto Chicken and fresh steamed broccoli

Celery slices with fresh canned chicken mixed with red pepper hummus

Cucumber slices with mustard and garlic hummus

Steamed mixed veggies- sometimes, frozen is the only way to get them in, and that's ok!

Ready made pot roast from Walmart. Throw it in a crock pot with some water, and you have a healthy family meal!

"Skinny" Taco Salad: ground lean turkey with homemade taco seasoning, mixed with lettuce, plain greek yogurt for sour cream replacement, shredded cheddar cheese. Delicious!
Healthy breaded chicken from Team Beachbody recipe book!

The Business

October is over, and with that comes the end of the Fall Classic, a little fun competition between us coaches! My coach Carmel and I were on a team together, and ended up coming out winning two tier prizes for our accomplishments! Our accomplishments were really just a reflection of how many lives we changed this past month, so it's incredibly rewarding and inspiring to be congratulated and rewarded on something we love to do. We are getting a really neat Team Beachbody shirt and stadium bag!

I am so looking forward to helping those that really want to push through the holidays to a better lifestyle. As I mentioned before, although it may seem crazy to try to start a health and fitness journey around the holiday season, this is the time that I started last year, and it was the best decision I could have ever made. YOU CAN DO THIS! I remember traveling to Pompano Beach, Florida for the holidays and getting my challenge group posts done in the hotel, and squeezing in my workouts in the little floor space there, as well!

Hotel workouts with my niece last Thanksgiving in the hotel!

Luckily for you guys, the most AMAZING program is on a MAJOR sale with Shakeology for this month only, and it is absolutely PERFECT for holiday travels!

You may have heard me rave about PiYo before, and for good reason! It is extremely low impact, but still HIGH intensity! Meaning... no, you won't be jumping up and down and all around, you won't even need one single weight to finish this program. You will use your body and your body only to get you in incredible shape. PiYo, like its name suggests, is a mixture of pilates and yoga inpsired moves- meaning it's not exactly pilates and yoga, but you will get that amazing, relaxing feel to it that you get from those sequences. However, you will be sweating so much without barely leaving the floor that you don't even know how Chalene Johnson is doing that to you!

Take my word, it is incredible. And for right now, you can the PiYo Challenge Pack, an entire month's worth of Shakeology (your nutrient dense meal replacement shake) and the PiYo program for only $140! That's a savings of well over $50, guys!!! Just think... a month of meals and a program to keep forever, for about the same cost of only two months of a gym membership or one month of Crossfit. Does it get much better than that?! I think not!

To get in on this amazing deal and join my upcoming free challenge group, apply below and I cannot WAIT to work with you!!!

With love,

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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