Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fall Eggnog

It's getting to be mid-November, and WHO in this world doesn't want to live a little on Thanksgiving and Christmas? I, for one, totally intend to have my fair share (in proper portions, of course) of stuffing, pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole... oh man, you name it! Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE!

So in honor of this wonderful holiday and season of giving, I am giving you this delicious recipe! In case you'd like to enjoy all of the fun of the holidays, but cut down on some of the liquid calories in other ways, this is a perfect way to do it!

Fall Eggnog Shakeology

What You'll Need:

1 scoop chocolate (or vanilla) Shakeology
1 cup low fat egg-nog
1/2 cup cold water
1/4 tsp pumpkin spice
Handful of ice to make it extra frothy!
*And, if you're feeling really festive, throw a little bit of fat free whipped cream on the top!

Blend and ENJOY the holidays!!!!

Plus, want to lose up to 1O POUNDS by this Thanksgiving holiday so you'll really deserve a treat?! Sign up for my next 21 Day Fix group below!

With love,

Fill out my online form.
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