Monday, November 24, 2014

P90- This Could Be YOUR Beginning!

Many of you who hear the name "Beachbody" automatically think, "Ohhhh, P90X right? That's what Beachbody is?" And RIGHTLY so! Tony Horton's P90X series is one of the BEST in the entire world; and no, I do not think I am exaggerating. It truly is that incredible. P90X3 did absolute wonders for me, and I plan to go back to it many times in the future, probably with the help of the 21 Day Fix containers for my portion control!

So, yes, Tony Horton was one of the first trainers to ever jump on the Beachbody board with Beachbody's CEO Carl Dakeiler, way back in the day! Tony is an amazing person (I got to meet him at Coach Summit in 2014), and when he makes a program, he truly puts his heart and soul into every single move and video, even if he is cracking jokes to the guys about how whimpy they are! He knows what people NEED, and he knows what people want. P90X, P90X2, and P90X3 have all been breakthrough programs in themselves, but have you ever looked at them and thought to yourself, "That is WAY too intense for me!!!"?

Well, Tony heard those voices, and he actually LISTENED! He has created his newest program P90 just for those of you who have always wanted to try his programs, but wanted a way to ease into them without injury, failure, and to just know what to expect! It will still be 90 days of a top of the line program, with a multitude of exercises to get you in incredible shape, but will be without that "X" for that crazy extreme the other P90X videos have!

You may love P90 if...

-You are totally new to fitness and don't know where to begin
-You used to work out ALL of the time, but over time have gotten sidetracked and want a spot to begin again
-You have been injured in the past and want something that will push you, but keep you safe from further injury
-If you have always been a Tony Horton lover, but not able to handle his other series quite yet!
-If you have just finished P90X, P90X2, or P90X3, and want to maintain your results and check out some new moves!

P90 will still be incredibly effective without as much of the intensity, because similar to the other P90X programs, it will focus on sectional progression. Basically what that means, is that it will be cut down into different phases. Each phase will give you a period of time in which the moves are a little hard, then you begin to master them, then you have time to do them well and confidently. As soon as your body is used to them, it moves on to the next phase that is a little tougher, so your body never gets used to one spot and is always progressing, equaling intensified results!

You will get 10 workouts on 4 DVD's, all ranging from 25-45 minutes long! You will be able to do all of these workouts right in the comfort of your own home! The only space you will need is enough to step from side to side, so move the coffee table out of the middle of the living room floor with me and get to WORK! ;)

You will also receive...

*Super simple nutrition plan: no counting calories or cutting out food groups, just simple nutrition to maximize your results and burn fat throughout the day!

*4 Step Power Plan: Tony's "golden rules" for you to abide by on the first day that will maximize your results for the entirety of the program!

*Resistance Band: no need to go buy an entire gym for your house! This is ALL you need!

*6 Day Shred: a plan for the times that you need a QUICK FIX, faster than fast!

*Your 90 Day Workout Calendar: abide by this specific calendar for the program- it was made perfectly to give you the BEST results you can get!

Get the P90 Challenge Pack with Shakeology for an INCREDIBLE deal! No more $50/month gym memberships that you're barely going to use. Invest money in a program that works, that you will have forever, with the best trainer out there right there in your home helping you every step of the way. Also, a nutrient dense shake that will change you from the inside out in ways you could never imagine!

Want to join my next Fitness Support Group to have help, support, nutrition tips, fitness tips, and encouragement with a few other people along the way? Apply below!

 This could be YOUR beginning to fitness FOREVER!

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