Thursday, August 28, 2014

Why Women Should Lift Weights

When I first started my weight loss journey, I was similar to many women in the fact that I assumed lifting weights, especially heavy ones, would result in me getting bulky, broad, and a thick look that I didn't want. I wanted to get a lean, elongated, and a sexy sculpted body. What I didn't realize at the time, was that the exact thing that I thought would bring me away from the results I wanted, was the one thing that actually was going to get me there

Ladies: lifting HEAVY weights are the KEY to getting lean, sexy, sculpted bodies!!!

When I did my first round of P90X3, I shedded 8 inches of fat overall on my body, but gained a few pounds in lean muscle. I never lifted anything less than a 10 lb dumbbell, and that's what I used for the exercises that required a light weight. So many times when women begin to exercise, we gain a few pounds in the process and totally lose sight of the big picture: that weight is just a number! It is NOT the main source we should be looking at for our progress. Look in the mirror! Try on your old clothes! Take the measuring tape out! Weight gain can simply mean that we are putting on muscle- but that is GOOD, because although muscle weighs more than fat, muscle also SCORCHES fat! The more muscle you have, the more fat you are going to lose, because muscle burns significantly more calories than fat even at a resting state. Therefore, the more muscle you have, the more weight you are going to lose by doing virtually nothing. Will you gain a few more pounds? Maybe. But will you look a heck of a lot better? YES!

Here are some of the reasons why women will NEVER get bulky, or start to look "manly" from weightlifting:

1. Women naturally do not even possess the testosterone levels to gain muscle mass like men. Normal testosterone levels for men fall between 200-1200 ng/dl, while testosterone levels for women are typically between 15-70 ng/dl. Therefore, even if a man is at the lowest end of the testosterone level, and a woman is at the highest, the man would still have TWICE the amount of testosterone! Women do not contain the hormonal support to ever gain muscle like a man. If you ever see female bodybuilders that seem to possess similar muscle mass to men, it is because they are using outside testosterone injections or steroids- they are doing something to alter the natural state of their bodies and testosterone levels. 

2. Studies have SHOWN that men and women can train the exact same way- meaning, women MUST lift those HEAVY weights in order to achieve the sexy "toned" look that we want. Lifting heavy weights will give us the "V" shaped back (but not broad like a man's, because again, that is not possible for our bodies), the shapely legs and lifted booty, the tight, lean, sculpted arms, and of course that flat tummy we ALWAYS dream of! In reality, lifting light weights for a long period of time will just increase your muscle endurance, while lifting heavy weights will build your muscle strength- burning fat, increasing metabolism, and sculpting your muscles even more.

3. The word "toning" is actually a misconception. I still use the term, because I think of it in a different aspect than some, but here's the kicker: our muscles do not change. When some people say "tone your muscles," we are really just shedding the fat around them and making them protrude more. Now, we can build muscle and make them bigger, we can LOSE muscle, but we cannot "tone" it. The bigger we make our muscles, the leaner we will look. :)

4. Sometimes when women (or men) begin to train in weight lifting, they do get bigger and bulkier and blame it on lifting weights. This is simply because those people are gaining actual weight in fat by consuming too many calories. Along with weight lifting, we still need to be at a calorie deficit to lose weight. Do not think since you are lifting heavy weights, you also need to be consuming thousands of calories to make up for it and "feed your muscles." That's not the case. In fact, people can overeat on very healthy foods as well- healthy foods can still add up to a lot of calories! The main thing you want to make sure you are doing is feeding your body and muscles the proper nutrients it needs DIRECTLY after lifting weights, and that is protein! A simple protein shake (or for me, Shakeology) will do the trick. But other than that, I have lost the most weight and gained the most muscle from eating around a 1,500 calorie diet for my body and build. If I wanted to lose more weight, I would either have to create more of a calorie deficit in working out longer to burn more calories, or eating even less. 

Therefore, if you are getting bulky and thicker "from weightlifting," it's really that you are gaining weight in general.

Alright ladies, I hope this cleared the air on some of your weightlifting fears! So FEAR NOT those big weights! Get all up in the heavy weight zone at the gym and boot the guys out of the way! Doing a Beachbody program like me? Bring those heavy weights HOME! Don't spend money on the 3 lb'ers! Show those guys who's BOSS! ;)

With love,

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chocolate Shakeology Pancakes

If you're like me, your sweet tooth has been known to get you and your waistline in a tad bit of trouble over the years!

Sweets are my BIGGEST temptations. It's almost impossible for me to say no to warm, gooey brownies.

But, I refuse to let myself down and forfeit my goals for a few seconds of pleasure, and then a long time of GUILT! Soooo not worth it!

Shakeology has totally saved me on that (sweet, delicious, and made from vegetables. What?) Not only Shakeology itself, but using it to make cookies, and now PANCAKES!

Pancake lovers without all of the sugar and carbs UNITE! Try these bad boys next time you're craving ice cream, brownies, cake, etc. I guarantee it'll fulfill your craving, keep you feeling full, and only help aid in your weight loss journey!

Also, they're made of all things 21 Day Fix approved, so check out what containers they occupy and how to make them work in any amazing program!

Chocolate Shakeology Pancakes

What You Need:
-1-1.5 scoops of Chocolate Shakeology (vegan or regular- the more Shakeology, the more chocolatey the pancakes!)
-1 serving (1/2 cup) of whole wheat oatmeal
-2 eggs
-2 tbsps. almond milk
-stevia to taste

-Pour all ingredients into a blender or food processor, and blend! Feel free to adjust the amounts of ingredients to taste and/or pancake consistency. It is seriously THAT easy.

I like to top with all-natural peanut butter. :)

With love,

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Not So "Healthy" Health Foods!

Hey everyone! Today I want to talk about foods that may seem healthy, but are really not! One of the best things I ever started doing was paying closer attention to the labels of foods I was about to buy and consume- I  never realized the possible dangers of some of the foods I was eating, that were claiming to be "healthy!" (i.e. granola bars full of processed sugars and hydrogenated oils)

Before the list of "not so healthy 'health' foods," here are guidelines I always try to go by when grocery shoppnig:

1) READ THE INGREDIENTS! If the list of ingredients is longer than the intro to the novel you're reading, it's probably not a product that should be stored in your pantry. The rule of thumb is that the shorter the list of ingredients, the better. Or, if the list is fairly long, but they are all whole food ingredients that you recognize, then that's good too!

2) SHOP THE PERIMETER OF THE STORE! One of my challengers started the 21 Day Fix with me a couple of days ago. She messaged me so excited saying, "I just had a HUGE realization! Most of the foods we need to be eating are all around the outside walls of the store, and barely on the aisles in the center." I was ecstatic, because that is exactly right! There are very few items that should be consumed throughout the center aisles.

The staples I get to store my pantry usually only involve: long grain brown rice, whole wheat bread/tortillas/English muffins, plain oatmeal, plain yogurt, herbs and spices, natural peanut butter, honey, and all fruit jam, and the occasional frozen veggies (fresh are ALWAYS better, but frozen is better than nothing). Most everything else you need should be around the perimeter of the store: fresh lean meats, fresh raw veggies, eggs, fresh fruits, lean cheeses, deli sliced sandwich meats, almond/skim milk... you get the picture! :)

3) DON'T LET THE LABELS FOOL YOU! So many fast food chains and labeled grocery store items claim to be "sugar free," "fat free," "whole grain," etcetera etcetera. It can be infuriating to think that we are making the healthiest choices possible, when really these marketers are totally FOOLING us into buying their seemingly healthy product, that is really cheaply made and full of unwanted chemicals that are not made to be ingested into our bodies. This isn't to say that I don't sometimes choose the options that are lower in fat, as long as that doesn't mean ingredients in the product are being replaced by even worse unnatural ingredients, or that the low fat content isn't being made up for by loads of sugar and carbs.

Not So Healthy "Health" Foods to Avoid
(and safer alternatives)

  • Yogurt: I already try to stay away from dairy as it is, but yogurt does have some really great health benefits. However, most commercially made yogurts are full of sugar! The ones that claim to be "sugar free" are then full of other unhealthy processed sugars. Try to stick with unsweetened yogurts and sweeten them yourselves with  honey, a little stevia, and some berries. I love Fage plain yogurt!
  • Dried Fruit: I used to think I was making a healthy alternative by chomping on some dried pineapple and mango, but it was amazingly and sickly sweet for a reason. Again, this option is loaded with sugars, as well as oil and sulfur. Not to mention that they stack on the calories SO easily. It's crazy how many calories such a small amount consists of! There are some healthier options, though- I enjoy the unsweetened, unsulfured craisin options!
  • Granola: like mentioned above, a lot of companies throw "gluten free," "low fat," and "organic" on a box to make us think we are making great choices with their products. However, low fat can mean being loaded with unnatural and harmful oils, sugar, and lots a' calories. I really enjoy making recipes like Tony Horton's Sticky Bars instead!
  • Frozen Dinners/Canned Soups: I wanted to group both of these together because they are both so loved for the same thing- convenience, but both not good choices because of the same thing: SODIUM. Loads and loads of sodium! Even the "low sodium" soups typically have 400mg or more of sodium. I highly suggest steaming your own veggies and cooking your lean ground turkey for soups and chilis, and trying meal prepping for the week if time for cooking is not on your side!
  • Wheat/Whole Grain Bread (AND crackers): I used to group "whole wheat" and "whole grain" breads all into the same category. I figured the darker the bread, and the more seeds and grainy looking they looked, the healthier. But then I found out that they are NOT all created equal AT ALL! In fact, no matter what that bread looks like, unless it says "100% Whole Wheat," I repeat.... 100%!!!! Then it is faux branding! Any other bread is hardly any better than white bread, which immediately turns into sugar=fat in your body. Check these choices for hydrogenated oil, as well!
  • Fruit Cocktail/Fruit Juices: No matter how many "real fruits" it's made out of, it's still LOADED with sugars. Stick with water as much as you can, and eat real fruits as much as possible.
  • Protein/Meal Bars: I still consume these all the time, don't get me wrong, but they are definitely NOT all made equally! Make sure you really read the labels on these- some claiming to be "protein bars" have 5g of protein and 13g of sugar. Ummm negative. Keep on eye on those ingredient lists, and try to keep it below 200-220 calories and less than 8-9g of sugar. Rule of thumb: protein bars should NEVER have more sugar than protein!
  • Sushi: Again, I love the stuff and eat it regularly. However, so many people (including me in the past) think eating sushi is automatically healthy. Unfortunately, that's not the case. A "Crispy Shrimp Roll" laid out is literally a heap of white rice, fried shrimp with even more fried toppings, and usually a bunch of mayonnaise and fat based sauces. Those rolls are also easily 800+ calories! Opt for the basic California Roll, or those rolls that have fresh or raw seafood, brown rice, and a higher content of veggies and avocado.
  • Cereal: One unfortunate thing I've noticed over time is that some of the cereals claiming to be the healthiest, have even more sugar than Reese's Puffs! It's ridiculous when you really check the labels. If you just can't give up that yummy cereal, try for those that have lower than 200 calories and 12g of sugar a serving- Kashi Go Lean is a great choice!
These are the guidelines I try my best to follow each time I head to the store and shop for Stephen and I. I hoped I helped someone else reading this, too! :)

With love,

Monday, August 18, 2014

Breaded Parmesan Tilapia

Alright you guys, this fish is RIDICULOUSLY yummy!!!

I'm always striving to fit more healthy seafood into my diet (let's get those omega 3's!!!), but it can be a little difficult for me to find the right seasoning or way to cook the fish for me to really enjoy it. I used to revert to fat-filled, creamy sauces and other options that totally took away from the nutrients of the fish!

When I found this recipe, I altered it to make it as healthy as possible! It is delicious. Just the right concoction of protein, carbs, and healthy fats! Try it and LOVE it. :)

Breaded Parmesan Tilapia

Recipe slightly altered from Spend with Pennies

Ingredients Needed:
-7-8 tilapia fillets, fresh or thawed
-2 eggs
-1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
-2 tbsps. water
-2 tbsps. butter or margarine
-1 tbsp. olive oil
**For a healthier option, replace butter and olive oil with Safflower Oil!

*For tilapia coating:
-1 cup whole wheat Panko bread crumbs
-1/2 cup fat free or low fat grated Parmesan cheese
-salt and pepper seasoned to taste

In one bowl, combine eggs, water, and dijon mustard. Mix well and set aside.

In another bowl, combine Panko bread crumbs, parmesan, salt, and pepper. Mix well and set aside.

Preheat your frying pan or griddle to high, and melt your olive oil and butter,

Dip each tilapia fillet into your mustard mixture, and then into your bread crumb mixture, making sure to completely cover the fish with bread crumbs. Place the fish onto your frying pan and cook on each side for 3 minutes. Cover fish with inverted pan to make them extra crispy!

Serve hot and ENJOY your breaded deliciousness without all of the extra calories and fat!

With love,

Amanda Corry

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

21 Day Fix: Round 1!

So, here's the thing about the 21 Day Fix.

We all want to get fit, and thin, and toned, FAST. We don't want to have to workout for hours a day and deprive ourselves of delicious foods, only to consume 1,000 calories a day. In fact, we'd rather be eating ALL DAY; we'd rather have our entire meal plans totally spread out for us, almost like having little color-coated containers for each food group that we could just fill that would show us the EXACT portions of what we need to eat for the food group.

Oh wait...

21 Day Fix does ALL of those things!!!!!

21 days of only 30 minute workouts. Color-coated tupperware containers for each food group. A certain number of those containers per day depending on YOUR personal body. Fill the container with a food from that group, and eat. Seriously start eating probably more than you EVER have before, and LOSE WEIGHT.

How about then losing up to 15 pounds in those 21 days? Yeah. Of course that would vary by person and body type, but I promise, you WILL get phenomenal results if you follow the meal plan and workout videos.

I am a soon to be bride, and with the results I have seen so far from this program, I am ecstatic to begin it ASAP! If you are ready, do this program with me in my upcoming online fitness challenge group for extra support and accountability! Lord knows I'll need it!

Are you in?! Because, honestly, why WOULDN'T you be?! Get it here now and I will contact you with how to start the program together! :)

With love,

Sunday, August 10, 2014

6 Tips for Getting Back to School & Back to FITNESS!

Being in college has this huge reputation for, well, getting huge. You're finally out on your own, with the ability to buy all of the sugary cereals your mom wouldn't let you by, and the "Freshman 15" is there before you know it! Not to mention, budget is tight! I have been there, I know how hard it is, so I want to share my 6 biggest tips on staying healthy and fit when you head back to campus!

1) NEVER miss breakfast! Not only is this seriously crucial brain food, but it is the total kick-start to your metabolism and calorie burning for the rest of the day! I think there's a big misconception that missing breakfast=eating less=losing weight, but it is the total opposite! In fact, skipping breakfast is one of the leading steps to weight gain! If time is of the essence in this situation, well, first of all, wake up earlier! (We will go over time management soon). But on those days that the alarm doesn't go off, I always go for a) smoothies, or b) ready made breakfast bars or meals. There are really delicious recipes for overnight oatmeal or freezer egg and turkey bacon bites. Prep your meals and you will be good to go, ALWAYS! Smoothies, especially Shakeology, have been my staple breakfast for almost a year now!

2) Pack all of your own food! Not only will this save you BIG bucks in the long run, but you will eat healthier and so much less! Every morning before I left for class, I figured out how long I would be gone from home and planned accordingly. I try to eat every 2-3 hours, so if it was going to be an 8 hour day (if you were on a big campus like me, IT HAPPENS!), I would pack 2 good sized snacks and a lunch! A typical day would probably be 1/2 and apple with natural peanut butter, a turkey and lettuce whole wheat wrap with fruit, and an organic protein/granola bar. I would also eat it in that order as to make sure the fruit and wrap didn't start to taste not so great before the day was over! Running out of the door last minute and buying all of your meals and snacks from campus adds up so fast, and is typically not the healthiest choice. Always keep a snack in your bag for those hunger emergencies!

3) Work out FIRST THING in the morning! If you are like me, you are too exhausted at the end of your day to even plop yourself down on the couch, let alone get an entire workout in! I learned pretty early on that if I didn't hit the gym or my exercise program right when I woke up that morning, it was seriously not going to happen. Between classes, studying, paper writing, social life, and me time, I couldn't stand not just getting it done at the beginning of my day and then not having to worry about it anymore! Plus, it kept me burning fat and feeling AMAZING for the rest of the day! So, wake up an extra 30 minutes to an hour to do something for yourself for once. Your body and mind will thank you, and it will be worth it and become a habit!

4) ALWAYS have H2O! I kept a massive bottle of water with me at all times, because if I didn't, I would never remember to even drink water. If you are in Florida, you are probably already dehydrated as you are reading this post! While I was walking around campus, I was sweating like I had just run a mile, so water was CRUCIAL for me. So aside from keeping you hydrated and functioning correctly, it can also just naturally help you lose weight. A lot of people mistake the feeling of being thirsty for the feeling of being hungry, which is why you hear about "chugging a glass of water before each meal." It really is true. Keep hydrated throughout the day, and check yourself with drinking some water when you're feeling like you could eat an entire horse. Ask yourself, "Am I really hungry? Or is my body malnourished of water?"

5) Take the stairs and sidewalk as often as you can! Every step and every stair counts! Just as easily as you can press the button to open the elevator to step in, you can easily walk up those two flights of stairs to burn crazy calories and tone your thighs and bum ;). Walking up just 6 flights of stairs 3 times per day already burns about 100 calories (for the average person). So compounded over time, if you took the stairs 5 times a week, you could be burning 500 extra calories a week just taking the stairs instead of the elevator! That's not even factoring in the muscles you are building as well! Why do you think people go to the gym to use the Stepmill machine?! It's GOOD STUFF.

6) Exercise at home and/or with a buddy! As life got more and more hectic, I found it harder and harder to make the time to get ready and to and from the gym, and pay for those monthly memberships. When I moved apartments, the gym wasn't 5 minutes anymore, and I was also constantly hitting plateaus in my fitness results from not knowing exactly what to do. Paying $30/month for nothing was NOT going to happen anymore. Luckily, I found Beachbody's at home fitness programs and only workout about 30 minutes a day in my living room! So, if the gym is a place you have not been able to find time or money for, I HIGHLY recommend an at home fitness program! Finding an accountability partner is also SO helpful, which is why I loved my online fitness challenge groups! They're fun, I met amazing other women, and it kept my motivation and accountability through the roof!

Don't let society tell you that college has to be the crazy, unhealthy years. You are in control of your health and fitness and can make these few changes every day that will surely keep you on the right track. Then, who's to say you can't enjoy a few drinks and tailgate grill-outs on the weekends?! :)

If you'd like to join me in my next Back to School Challenge Group online with a fun, intense, and SHORT at home fitness program, apply here or e-mail me with any questions you have!

Here's to a FANTASTIC 2014-2015 academic year!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Shakeology: My Miracle Drink!

Shakeology has changed my life. Point black. However, I feel that its objectives can be misconstrued by those who are not familiar with the product, so I thought a blog post answering some of the BIGGEST questions I receive would be appropriate!

What IS Shakeology?: First, let me start off by saying that Shakeology is NOT a PROTEIN OR WEIGHT LOSS SHAKE!! It is clinically proven to aid in weight loss (and lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels), but that is actually not Shakeology's main goal.

Lots of times, I get people telling me that "they have a really good protein powder they are using right now, so they don't need Shakeology." That is great, and I love healthy and natural protein powders as well to help fuel me up, but that's something I would actually add to Shakeology, not replace it with! Shakeology is so so SO much more than that, it pains me to hear it being compared to a protein drink. Shakeology does contain a really great amount of protein in each serving (depending on the flavor, about 18g), but that is just a small portion of its nutritional value.

Shakeology is a nutrient dense meal replacement shake. It is meant to replace just one meal a day, but can safely replace more than one, if you wish to further your weight loss goals in that way (I would just recommend adding additional foods to it for a higher calorie intake).

So what all is IN Shakeology?: Shakeology contains over 70 ingredients of natural superfoods! Each of them are meant to work together to keep you feeling full and to improve your health from the inside out in ways you could have never imagined! Within these 70 ingredients are different categories, which are:
1) Super-Protein Blend (i.e. chia, flax, quinoa, & more)
2) Super-Fruit/Antioxidant Blend (i.e. acai, goji berry, grape seed, green tea, & more)
3) Super-Green/Phytonutrient Blend (i.e. moringa, spinach, barley grass, & more)
4) Adaptogen Blend (i.e. ashwagandha, astragalus. ginkgo, maitake, & more)
5) Probiotic/Digestive Enzyme Blend (i.e. yacon root, amylase, cellulase, & more)

Shakeology also includes your entire day's worth of vitamins, minerals, and supplements (so you no longer need to spend  money on those things), fruits, and vegetables. Therefore, I highly recommend this especially to those who feel like they do not typically get enough fruits, veggies, and fiber throughout the day.

In fact, if you were to go to the store and purchase all of the ingredients in Shakeology separately, it would come out to over $700. This, my friends, is why the price of only $130 (and only $98 for us coaches) for an entire month (30 servings), is AMAZING to me. Think of what you are spending in a day, and realize that your health is worth this plus so much more. Cut out that daily Starbucks frappe. Cut out that daily Panera Bread breakfast. Cut out that lunch trip to McDonald's. Feed your body what it needs! You will probably find yourself saving more money when you get this stuff, because you will a) cut those cravings, b) not need to purchase protein powder or extra vitamins and supplements anymore c) you will no longer have to worry about buying about a 1/3 of your groceries from the store, because you now have one of your meals for every day for the entire month bought in one sitting.

What does Shakeology do for you?: What has Shakeology NOT done for me, is more like it! Here's a list of the most prominent things that have changed in my life from Shakeology:

  • It IMMEDIATELY cut my cravings for sweet and fatty foods. It was like my body was finally satisfied for the first time by all of these incredible nutrients, and sent that message straight to my brain! Not to mention the fact that drinking the shake itself is like having a Wendy's frosty. Mmmmm so darn delicious! I would say it was the single most important factor on my path to health and fitness because my poor diet was my biggest problem. I could work out all day everyday, but it never got past a certain point of progress because I'm horrible at giving into food temptations. I was honestly terrified to purchase the Beachbody products in the beginning because I figured the same thing would happen. But that first morning I drank Shakeology after my Turbo Fire workout... I was hooked and never looked back. It satisfies ALL of my cravings and helped me to turn away from my temptations.
  • It regulated my digestion. Sorry to get personal, but this was huge for me, too! I won't go into too much detail, but this is one of the things it is most known for. In fact, its sole purpose is for immune & digestive support, and it does just that. Its probiotic and digestive enzymes may have you going a little more or less than usual in the first week or so, but those are just signs that it is working in your tummy! Soon, you will have a set regular schedule and feel better than EVER!
  • My hair, skin, and nails are superb. My hair has grown immensely, in thickness and in length, since drinking Shakeology. All of those vitamins and minerals are CLEARLY going to work in my hair follicles! I used to have to trim it every couple of months from dead ends and dryness, and I went a record almost 6 months without having to cut it, and didn't even really realize it! I just went in to get more layers done, really. My nails are also constantly growing and are very strong (which can get annoying if you ever want to get them painted at the salon! haha). I have suffered from acne and splotchy skin my whole life as well, and while I still suffer from the occasional breakout, my skin tone has become drastically more even, in terms of color and texture!
  • I rarely ever have to consume caffeine anymore! Shakeology makes me SO much more naturally energized, it's incredible! I really didn't notice all that much until a few months went by and my fiance was like, "Hey, why haven't you made coffee in so long? You used to drink it all day!" Then it hit me HARD! I did used to drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day *gulp* embarrassing moment. But it's true. I haven't made a full pot of coffee in over half a year! Sometimes I like to put 1/3 cup in my Shakeology recipes (because it's delicious), but other than that, I only need the occasional pre-workout for my 5 am exercises and no other caffeine for the entire day. It helps me sleep so much better and has kept my energy levels completely stable.
  • I haven't been sick in almost 10 months. Not ONCE! This is the biggest one for me. This almost makes me cry tears of joy, because I used to be sick all of the time. At least 4 or 5 big times a year (upper respiratory infections every Thanksgiving break, chronic allergies year round, strep around summertime, etc), and when I was a Pre-K teacher, literally every other week. I now have not been sick one time since I started drinking Shakeology daily in November 2013. I have a really low tolerance for pain, so I was almost falling into a slight depression my year as a Pre-K teacher from being sick so often. I do not deal well with feeling anything other than my best, healthy self, so this has meant SO much to my life! Immune support is the BIGGEST reward you will receive from Shakeology.
Other Testimonials: Shakeology has also been an amazing testimonial for many of its consumers with autoimmune and other chronic diseases. Check out some of their stories:

-->Jennifer: "I have an auto immune disease and have been in remission since starting shakeology last year. When I told my doctor that I started drinking it everyday, he said 'well don't stop what you're doing because it's working!'"

-->Becka: "I have hashimotos and between shakeology and going Paleo I've completely gotten my symptoms under control."

-->Morgan: "My mom has MS and she bought slim in 6 and shakeology. I started her with slim in 6 because it's more beginner and she says the shakeology is helping with her energy levels and added weight loss to help with her multiple sclerosis."

-->Nicole: "All the remaining symptoms I had with my crohn's after being deemed in remission have completely dissipated since Shakeo. I have also been able to stop taking medications for migraines and depression. Ive had maybe one migraine since I've started and my mood is way better, although I'm pretty hormonal now which I can't help much - haha!"

-->Leanne about her daughter, Tayler: "Taylers eczema has improved too. She doesn't drink it everyday, but she does share mine at least twice a week. I just recently noticed a routine. It flares up when she hasn't had any in a while. Any others notice this?"

-->Andrea: "It's help me with migraines and has helped my coach with PCOS"

-->Tiffany: "I have had a kidney transplant, high blood pressure, diabetes, anemia, gout, acid reflux, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, migraines lol since taking shakeology I have felt so much better! My labs have come back in normal range and my sugar is in control!! :))"

I hope I have helped shed just a small light on the value of Shakelogy and what it has meant to my life, although, I know no one can truly see its value until they try it for themselves.

Interested in purchasing this miracle shake? Check out the different options here, including the trial package in which you can try every flavor for a small fee, in case you're unsure! Every bag also has a bottom of the bag guarantee. Meaning if you try it, even for the full 30 days and feel that it did nothing for you that it promised, you can return it for a full refund. That's how much us coaches and Beachbody believe in this product.

Interested in purchasing a bag of Shakeology along with a top of the line exercise program for a fraction of the price? Check out my favorite selection here, and sign up to be in one of my next free fitness challenge groups!

Have a marvelous day! SHAKE on!!!

With love,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Would I Make a Good Beachbody Coach?

It's hard for me to put into words what the opportunity of Beachbody coaching has truly meant to my life. I can sit here and say how awesome it is, and how passionate I am about it, and that you should be one too (because, well, EVERYONE should. How about potentially making six figures or more for only $16/month? Ummm YEAH). But, I thought I should give some cold hard FACTS to help give a little demonstration of what this company does for its business holders:

-->In 4 months, I am at a rate that will have me earning about as much as I would have as a Pre-K teacher. Now, that may not sound like a lot, because it's no secret that Pre-K teachers don't make jack squat. But let's really think about this for a minute. I was miserable. I was working sometimes 10-11 hours a day with 20 four year olds (sometimes grouped with younger or older children, depending on what was happening at that center at the time) BY MYSELF most of the time. I was getting hit, kicked, spit on, yelled at, dealing with supervisors and parents, tests, paperwork, YOU NAME IT! I was coming home exhausted, not able to spend any time with my fiance (I cannot imagine it for the teachers who had their own children to come home to). I was spent and had no life.

Fast forward 4 months- to be working in the COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME, by MY SCHEDULE, doing what I LOVE TO DO, I get to make the same amount of money. Do we all see how spectacular this is now!? I also fully intend to have a six figure income by 2016. Just saying. If that seems like way too long from now, can we calculate the amount of time doctors and lawyers bust their behinds in school/internships/awful jobs to get to that point? Exactly.

-->I have already over halfway paid for an entire Beachbody coach trip to Cancun next April. Best part is? When I say "pay," I mean with the FREE MONEY I earned from Beachbody. No money actually came out of my pocket. Each time I reached a certain amount of Success Club points (NOT hard to do, mind you), every point equaled either $5 or $10 towards that fund automatically. In 4 months, I have over $1,000 for a $2,000 trip saved up without me doing a thing. Wonder what that extra money will equal? ;)

-->Discounts? Have I mentioned discounts yet? Oh yeah. You get 25% off of EVERYTHING you ever order, including access to exclusive coaches only clothing and other fun Beachbody clothing. Some coaches join just for the discounts.

-->For getting Success Club Starters (Success Club my first 3 months as a coach), I earned a free ticket to Coach Summit in Nashville, TN! THIS IS HUGE. That thing usually costs about $300. But not to fret, when you get to a certain point in your business (that doesn't take very long), you'll be getting in for free/skipping lines/etc. Did I mention that all of the celebrity trainers are there? Yeah, check this out. I got to meet my all time favorite trainer, Tony Horton, creator of the P90X series. I have been so incredibly thankful for his programs, I can't even tell you.. but that's a whole different story. Meeting him was a HUGE check off of my bucket list!

-->This point is a little bit different. I am, or really was, an introvert. I am better with one-on-one conversations. I'd rather drink with you and your friend in your apartment than go out clubbing. Actually, I'd rather be at my house by myself. In silence. Haha. :) Beginning this business was extremely difficult for me. I used to post on Facebook like once every 3 months, and now I love it because it's opened up so many opportunities for me to reach people and meet people- and that's something I NEVER thought I would say I loved to do. Beachbody has changed me from the inside out! Through the pain and struggles of putting every ounce of my life out into the world, I have grown more than I can ever describe. There have been tears, hurtful comments, and naysayers, but the love from my team, my challengers, the weight loss stories and the "thank you's," they have grown me. Every part of it has grown me. I am the same, but totally different. I could have never asked for anything better!

There are a multitude of other things I could say that this opportunity has done for me, but above all, what all of these points have in common, is FREEDOM. That is what coaching with Beachbody boils down to. Freedom. You make your own rules. You run your business. You help people and help yourself.

What does it take to be a good Beachbody coach? Being on the path to a better, healthier you. Do you need to be in perfect shape? No. Do you need to have reached all of your fitness goals? HECK NO. Do you need to be STRIVING for those goals and trying to be your best self each day? Yes, yes you do.

Along with helping yourself, you must also want to help others on their path to their own personal health and fitness goals. You must focus on OTHERS and NOT yourself. This business is about becoming a healthier you, but it's not about you. I wake up every morning excited to see what my fitness group challengers are doing. I wake up excited about their fitness goals. I wake up excited to help train my coaches and see their successes. I also wake up ready to do my workouts, eat clean, and read my personal development, but that's to keep me healthy and a good example for those that I want to help.

Does this take hours and hours a day?! Absolutely not! When I first started coaching, I was still working full time as a Pre-K teacher. Can we talk about a daily power hour that's gotten me to the point where I am now? 1-2 hours a day and you are set. Some take more time, others use LESS! You can work it very easily around any schedule, and I can tell you how. But it needs to be DAILY, not every 3 days whenever you feel like it.

So, do you love health and fitness? Do you WANT to love health and fitness? Do you want to help others along their paths as well? Do you have 1-2 hours a day to build a business of limitless potential? Then YOU would be an AMAZING Beachbody coach. We are here to HELP. And there are SO many people that need your help.

Join a fitness challenge group with me to try it out and see if it's something you would like to duplicate with others before becoming a coach.

Apply here to be a part of my team and I will help you through every step of the way. I love this business and I am yours 24/7.

Have any more questions? Feel free to shoot me an e-mail :)

This opportunity could be your EVERYTHING!

With love,