Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Would I Make a Good Beachbody Coach?

It's hard for me to put into words what the opportunity of Beachbody coaching has truly meant to my life. I can sit here and say how awesome it is, and how passionate I am about it, and that you should be one too (because, well, EVERYONE should. How about potentially making six figures or more for only $16/month? Ummm YEAH). But, I thought I should give some cold hard FACTS to help give a little demonstration of what this company does for its business holders:

-->In 4 months, I am at a rate that will have me earning about as much as I would have as a Pre-K teacher. Now, that may not sound like a lot, because it's no secret that Pre-K teachers don't make jack squat. But let's really think about this for a minute. I was miserable. I was working sometimes 10-11 hours a day with 20 four year olds (sometimes grouped with younger or older children, depending on what was happening at that center at the time) BY MYSELF most of the time. I was getting hit, kicked, spit on, yelled at, dealing with supervisors and parents, tests, paperwork, YOU NAME IT! I was coming home exhausted, not able to spend any time with my fiance (I cannot imagine it for the teachers who had their own children to come home to). I was spent and had no life.

Fast forward 4 months- to be working in the COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME, by MY SCHEDULE, doing what I LOVE TO DO, I get to make the same amount of money. Do we all see how spectacular this is now!? I also fully intend to have a six figure income by 2016. Just saying. If that seems like way too long from now, can we calculate the amount of time doctors and lawyers bust their behinds in school/internships/awful jobs to get to that point? Exactly.

-->I have already over halfway paid for an entire Beachbody coach trip to Cancun next April. Best part is? When I say "pay," I mean with the FREE MONEY I earned from Beachbody. No money actually came out of my pocket. Each time I reached a certain amount of Success Club points (NOT hard to do, mind you), every point equaled either $5 or $10 towards that fund automatically. In 4 months, I have over $1,000 for a $2,000 trip saved up without me doing a thing. Wonder what that extra money will equal? ;)

-->Discounts? Have I mentioned discounts yet? Oh yeah. You get 25% off of EVERYTHING you ever order, including access to exclusive coaches only clothing and other fun Beachbody clothing. Some coaches join just for the discounts.

-->For getting Success Club Starters (Success Club my first 3 months as a coach), I earned a free ticket to Coach Summit in Nashville, TN! THIS IS HUGE. That thing usually costs about $300. But not to fret, when you get to a certain point in your business (that doesn't take very long), you'll be getting in for free/skipping lines/etc. Did I mention that all of the celebrity trainers are there? Yeah, check this out. I got to meet my all time favorite trainer, Tony Horton, creator of the P90X series. I have been so incredibly thankful for his programs, I can't even tell you.. but that's a whole different story. Meeting him was a HUGE check off of my bucket list!

-->This point is a little bit different. I am, or really was, an introvert. I am better with one-on-one conversations. I'd rather drink with you and your friend in your apartment than go out clubbing. Actually, I'd rather be at my house by myself. In silence. Haha. :) Beginning this business was extremely difficult for me. I used to post on Facebook like once every 3 months, and now I love it because it's opened up so many opportunities for me to reach people and meet people- and that's something I NEVER thought I would say I loved to do. Beachbody has changed me from the inside out! Through the pain and struggles of putting every ounce of my life out into the world, I have grown more than I can ever describe. There have been tears, hurtful comments, and naysayers, but the love from my team, my challengers, the weight loss stories and the "thank you's," they have grown me. Every part of it has grown me. I am the same, but totally different. I could have never asked for anything better!

There are a multitude of other things I could say that this opportunity has done for me, but above all, what all of these points have in common, is FREEDOM. That is what coaching with Beachbody boils down to. Freedom. You make your own rules. You run your business. You help people and help yourself.

What does it take to be a good Beachbody coach? Being on the path to a better, healthier you. Do you need to be in perfect shape? No. Do you need to have reached all of your fitness goals? HECK NO. Do you need to be STRIVING for those goals and trying to be your best self each day? Yes, yes you do.

Along with helping yourself, you must also want to help others on their path to their own personal health and fitness goals. You must focus on OTHERS and NOT yourself. This business is about becoming a healthier you, but it's not about you. I wake up every morning excited to see what my fitness group challengers are doing. I wake up excited about their fitness goals. I wake up excited to help train my coaches and see their successes. I also wake up ready to do my workouts, eat clean, and read my personal development, but that's to keep me healthy and a good example for those that I want to help.

Does this take hours and hours a day?! Absolutely not! When I first started coaching, I was still working full time as a Pre-K teacher. Can we talk about a daily power hour that's gotten me to the point where I am now? 1-2 hours a day and you are set. Some take more time, others use LESS! You can work it very easily around any schedule, and I can tell you how. But it needs to be DAILY, not every 3 days whenever you feel like it.

So, do you love health and fitness? Do you WANT to love health and fitness? Do you want to help others along their paths as well? Do you have 1-2 hours a day to build a business of limitless potential? Then YOU would be an AMAZING Beachbody coach. We are here to HELP. And there are SO many people that need your help.

Join a fitness challenge group with me to try it out and see if it's something you would like to duplicate with others before becoming a coach.

Apply here to be a part of my team and I will help you through every step of the way. I love this business and I am yours 24/7.

Have any more questions? Feel free to shoot me an e-mail :)

This opportunity could be your EVERYTHING!

With love,

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