Sunday, August 10, 2014

6 Tips for Getting Back to School & Back to FITNESS!

Being in college has this huge reputation for, well, getting huge. You're finally out on your own, with the ability to buy all of the sugary cereals your mom wouldn't let you by, and the "Freshman 15" is there before you know it! Not to mention, budget is tight! I have been there, I know how hard it is, so I want to share my 6 biggest tips on staying healthy and fit when you head back to campus!

1) NEVER miss breakfast! Not only is this seriously crucial brain food, but it is the total kick-start to your metabolism and calorie burning for the rest of the day! I think there's a big misconception that missing breakfast=eating less=losing weight, but it is the total opposite! In fact, skipping breakfast is one of the leading steps to weight gain! If time is of the essence in this situation, well, first of all, wake up earlier! (We will go over time management soon). But on those days that the alarm doesn't go off, I always go for a) smoothies, or b) ready made breakfast bars or meals. There are really delicious recipes for overnight oatmeal or freezer egg and turkey bacon bites. Prep your meals and you will be good to go, ALWAYS! Smoothies, especially Shakeology, have been my staple breakfast for almost a year now!

2) Pack all of your own food! Not only will this save you BIG bucks in the long run, but you will eat healthier and so much less! Every morning before I left for class, I figured out how long I would be gone from home and planned accordingly. I try to eat every 2-3 hours, so if it was going to be an 8 hour day (if you were on a big campus like me, IT HAPPENS!), I would pack 2 good sized snacks and a lunch! A typical day would probably be 1/2 and apple with natural peanut butter, a turkey and lettuce whole wheat wrap with fruit, and an organic protein/granola bar. I would also eat it in that order as to make sure the fruit and wrap didn't start to taste not so great before the day was over! Running out of the door last minute and buying all of your meals and snacks from campus adds up so fast, and is typically not the healthiest choice. Always keep a snack in your bag for those hunger emergencies!

3) Work out FIRST THING in the morning! If you are like me, you are too exhausted at the end of your day to even plop yourself down on the couch, let alone get an entire workout in! I learned pretty early on that if I didn't hit the gym or my exercise program right when I woke up that morning, it was seriously not going to happen. Between classes, studying, paper writing, social life, and me time, I couldn't stand not just getting it done at the beginning of my day and then not having to worry about it anymore! Plus, it kept me burning fat and feeling AMAZING for the rest of the day! So, wake up an extra 30 minutes to an hour to do something for yourself for once. Your body and mind will thank you, and it will be worth it and become a habit!

4) ALWAYS have H2O! I kept a massive bottle of water with me at all times, because if I didn't, I would never remember to even drink water. If you are in Florida, you are probably already dehydrated as you are reading this post! While I was walking around campus, I was sweating like I had just run a mile, so water was CRUCIAL for me. So aside from keeping you hydrated and functioning correctly, it can also just naturally help you lose weight. A lot of people mistake the feeling of being thirsty for the feeling of being hungry, which is why you hear about "chugging a glass of water before each meal." It really is true. Keep hydrated throughout the day, and check yourself with drinking some water when you're feeling like you could eat an entire horse. Ask yourself, "Am I really hungry? Or is my body malnourished of water?"

5) Take the stairs and sidewalk as often as you can! Every step and every stair counts! Just as easily as you can press the button to open the elevator to step in, you can easily walk up those two flights of stairs to burn crazy calories and tone your thighs and bum ;). Walking up just 6 flights of stairs 3 times per day already burns about 100 calories (for the average person). So compounded over time, if you took the stairs 5 times a week, you could be burning 500 extra calories a week just taking the stairs instead of the elevator! That's not even factoring in the muscles you are building as well! Why do you think people go to the gym to use the Stepmill machine?! It's GOOD STUFF.

6) Exercise at home and/or with a buddy! As life got more and more hectic, I found it harder and harder to make the time to get ready and to and from the gym, and pay for those monthly memberships. When I moved apartments, the gym wasn't 5 minutes anymore, and I was also constantly hitting plateaus in my fitness results from not knowing exactly what to do. Paying $30/month for nothing was NOT going to happen anymore. Luckily, I found Beachbody's at home fitness programs and only workout about 30 minutes a day in my living room! So, if the gym is a place you have not been able to find time or money for, I HIGHLY recommend an at home fitness program! Finding an accountability partner is also SO helpful, which is why I loved my online fitness challenge groups! They're fun, I met amazing other women, and it kept my motivation and accountability through the roof!

Don't let society tell you that college has to be the crazy, unhealthy years. You are in control of your health and fitness and can make these few changes every day that will surely keep you on the right track. Then, who's to say you can't enjoy a few drinks and tailgate grill-outs on the weekends?! :)

If you'd like to join me in my next Back to School Challenge Group online with a fun, intense, and SHORT at home fitness program, apply here or e-mail me with any questions you have!

Here's to a FANTASTIC 2014-2015 academic year!

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