Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Insanity MAX:30 is HERE!

If there is one aspect of fitness and weight loss that I tend to struggle with, it is getting my cardio in. Cardio has just never been my cup of tea. BUT, if there is one celebrity trainer that knows how to make cardio a BLAST and bring you so much heart-pumping inspiration that you have no choice but to never give up, it is SHAUN-T!

Shaun-T is seriously one of the sweetest, down to earth, funniest human beings on the planet. I got to meet him at Beachbody's Coach Summit 2014 in Vegas when I was actually waiting in line to meet and get my book signed by Tony Horton! (Y'all know my Tony Horton/P90X3's bad). Shaun T was walking with his crew, probably to his own separate event, and stopped to talk to all of us. He just radiates with positivity and a zest for life! We also got to work out live with him at the end of Summit, and one minute he will have you rolling on the floor laughing, and the next almost in tears because of how inspirational he is. You can tell that he is 100% living his God-given purpose and passion to help others lead a lifestyle of health and fitness. Although, that health and fitness is death by cardio, LOL!

Shaun T's Insanity is one of the programs that Beachbody is most well known for, in my opinion. It's 40-60 minutes of pure cardio TORTURE that is sure to get you ripped. I've never been brave enough to try it, but the people and coaches that I know that have... got some of the most amazing results I've ever seen.

Then, came Shaun T's T25. This was a game changer for people all over the world, because it was Insanity, but put into a doable 25 minutes/5 days a week that left you with a little self worth at the end of the video. Tehe. Even these 25 minutes were TOUGH for me though. I did a few weeks of the program with a friend, and although it was hard, I will say in those few weeks I noticed ASTOUNDING differences in my stamina, speed, core strength, and mostly upper body strength (I could do push-ups and hold plank like no one's business).

Now, Shaun T has officially gone above and beyond, and done it AGAIN!

Beachbody launched Insanity MAX:30 just yesterday, and I know this is, again, going to be changing so many lives. Insanity MAX:30 is, like the title hints, only 30 minutes long and based on a breakthrough method calling MAXING OUT!

Unlike Insanity, in which you focus on pacing yourself throughout the workout to finish, in Insanity MAX:30 you literally want to push as hard as you can and MAX OUT! When you've done all you can, and can't push through any longer, you "max out" and write down your max out time. You take a little break and jump back in, and each day your goal is to increase your max out time!

Insanity MAX:30 details:

  • Over 100 BRAND NEW moves to help you dig a little deeper and get in the best shape of your life
  • Moves to combine cardio and strength without ANY equipment at all
  • The program is 60 days long, broken up into Month 1 and Month 2
  • All workouts are 30 minutes long, except for a 10 minute ab workout
  • Schedule is working out 5 out of 7 days a week (so get those 30 minutes done in the morning before work Mon-Fri and enjoy the weekend? Ummm, yes please!)
  • This can be for anyone from a fitness beginner to an EXPERT! Everyone's max out time is different, and everyone will have room for growth and improvement! Modifier available.

  • Month 1 workouts are a combination of strength and TABATA type exercises (which means 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off)

  • Month 2 workouts is all about taking it to the MAX- more challenging and longer workout intervals (45 seconds on, 15 seconds off)
As always, Shakeology will be CRUCIAL to your health and results through this program. So, as an incredibly special offer for the month of its launch, ALL throughout December if you order THROUGH A COACH you can get the Insanity MAX:30 challenge pack on an incredible sale for $180! That's a savings of over $95, and includes:
  • A month of Shakeology meal replacement shakes
  • Over 10 top of the line workout DVD's

  • A calendar made specifically to give you the ultimate results. Follow this calendar to a T, and you will for sure max out your results!
  • A meal plan that combined with Shakeology, will leave you shredded and fueled perfectly to reap the benefits of MAX:30

  • 4 FREE gifts for ordering through a coach!
If you would like to be considered as a a challenger for our EXCLUSIVE Insanity MAX:30 TEST GROUP beginning January 5, 2015, fill out the Challenger Application Form and contact me asap! These programs are going FAST from their launch dates, and the preaseason for our group starts at the end of this month! Get your program today and I will help you every step of the way!

Fill out my online form.
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