Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Year, New YOU!

Every year in the past, I always stayed far away from New Year's resolutions.

I would tell myself and everyone else that I thought that they were silly, or useless, or what have you, but the truth is... they scared me. I have always been the opposite of a goal setter. I used to think that setting goals was one in the same as setting myself up for failure. I was way more comfortable just going with the flow and never having real goals or reals failures, when in reality, what I didn't realize at the time... is that you MUST fail before you can EVER succeed!

Everything changed when my husband, at the time fiance, deployed shortly after we had moved in together. I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired--- eating poorly, never working out, exhausted from my job, constantly sick, you name it. I decided for the first time to set some goals (and surprise him when he got home), and those goals were to lose 10 pounds, gain my energy, health and life back, and be happy in my own skin.

Getting TurboFire, Shakeology, and joining my first ever Bombshell Challenge Group literally saved my life. For the first time, I had a support group cheering me on and I reached every single one of those goals!

This year, I am at it again! I am setting MAJOR goals for myself, and as a Beachbody Coach for my first New Year ever, I want to be that support system for others around me. I want to help women gain their strength, health, and confidence back, while having fun, feeling comfortable, while really challenging themselves and meeting new friends. It was the best thing to ever happen to my life, and I am ready to pass it on more than ever!

I am officially going back to my second round of P90X3, the fitness program that got me in the best shape of my life! While Turbo Fire helped me shed that last bit of unwanted fat, P90X3 really took me to the next level- extreme fat loss and extreme lean muscle gain! I got back in a size 2 pants and was ecstatic. Check out my YouTube transformation video to really get the whole story!

However, there are so many programs to choose from and I want to help you find the perfect one for your specific wants, needs, and goals for your health! Please comment on this post and fill out my application to be considered for this incredible group. I will be helping you through every step of the way, and I want serious inquiries only! This is your health and future and while I am going to take it very seriously with you, I can only do that if you take it seriously too!

For further questions and information, feel free to e-mail me at a_corry@aol.com!

With love,

Amanda James
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