Monday, December 22, 2014

Let 2015 Begin!

Hi!! I feel like it's been a bit since I've given a real update on everything going on lately. November got hectic with wedding planning, and then of course the wedding and then honeymoon, but I never stopped staying active and doing the best I could in my diet! Well, excluding some moments during the honeymoon.

The incredible Kiersten Grant photographed our wedding and I could not have asked for more beautiful pictures that really captured how we felt. It was honestly the best day of our lives, and we wish we could relive it! (minus the planning. ha!)

Peak of Our Wedding:

Peak of Our Honeymoon (Jamaica & Haiti):

Now, the Holidays have consisted of lots of travel between coming back home after a week at sea, Thanksgiving, birthdays, now Christmas for both sides of the families. But, I couldn't ask for anything better. I know how incredibly lucky we are to have remained so close to our families and to have families to spend these holidays with, so bring the travel on!

I'm getting more and more excited each day for my upcoming New Year, New You challenge group. Not only for the challengers that will be joining me (ladies doing their own programs in the group), but for hitting the restart button on my own fitness journey. While I've kept doing the minimum to maintain during these busy months, that also means I haven't gone any further with my goals, which I'm not too happy about.

Today I am officially starting P90X3 over again from scratch! Day 1 is in the books and I'm ecstatic about it. This has been my favorite program by far, and I'm excited to see what results Round 2 will bring while incorporating a higher calorie bracket of the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I'm using the 21 Day Fix meal plan just to continue to help me realize how much of each food group is necessary for my body with the amount of calories I'm consuming. I know how easy it would be to say I have 1,800 allotted calories for the day, and fill most of those with carbs and sugars, etc. But to know I have 3 servings of complex carbs, 2 servings of fruit, 4 servings of protein, and so on, helps me tremendously (which is why 21 Day Fix is also the bomb!)

My New Year, New You group is open to any and all programs. I never want to shut anyone out because their interests and goals call for a different program than what I'm doing. For some, P90X3 may sound terrible because they hate weight lifting, but also way too intense because they are just starting out on their fitness journey, and that's ok! There are so so so many programs to choose from, which is why I would LOVE for you to fill out my application for the group and contact me so I can help you choose the best program for you!

I am meal prepping today for the week and keeping it super simple. Grilled chicken with fresh Italian herbs, garlic and parmesan quinoa, and fresh green beans for the main course. I always have chopped up fruits in the freezer for my Shakeology smoothies along with fresh spinach and kale to throw in (because Lord knows I am not good at getting my veggies in otherwise), and a clean eating pot rost in the crockpot for dinners! Snacks will consist of Tony Horton's Stick Bars, other fresh veggies, almonds & organic craisins, and anything else quick and healthy I can find. I definitely recommend going ahead and having your snacks all bagged up to be able to grab on the go, on the way to work or on your errands! It never hurts to have some extras in your purse/backpack/etc to have on the go so you don't get so starving that fast food starts calling your name!

In other exciting news, I have also started a brand new like page on Facebook to start really following my health and fitness journey through all of the little details. I just hope this can expand for me to really be able to find others that need help, and to further help those in need!
To start following me, just go here -->AmandaGotFit<-- nbsp="">

So, what are your fitness goals for the New Year? How can I help you?

If you would like to join my upcoming fitness group, please feel free to apply below and I will get in touch with you!

Amanda James

Fill out my online form.
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