Monday, October 13, 2014

P90X3 Week 1: The Good, The Bad, The UGLY!

If you have been following me, you probably already know that 21 Day Fix and P90X3 are my absolute favorite Beachbody fitness programs of all time! I love that they are a mixture of every element of physical health and wellness all rolled into one: weight lifting, cardio, pilates, yoga, cardio WITH weights, plyometrics... you name it, they have it.

21 Day Fix was a really big game changer for me when it came to the meal plan and color coded tupperware containers. Clean eating has always been my biggest foe, and while I have gotten much better with clean eating food choices and finding what I love, I knew that I was still suffering with portion control, so 21 Day Fix SAVED me in that department.

However, after about 6+ straight weeks of 21 Day Fix workouts, I was looking for a bit more. I started incorporating some of my old PiYo and Turbo Fire workouts in, but I am a stickler for organization, and love going by a strict schedule. P90X3 is the workout that to this day has gotten me in the best shape of my life, so I decided to turn back to it! The one complaint I have about 21 Day Fix is that it only has 7 different workouts (well, 8, including the awesome bonus Plyo DVD). I love every workout soooo much, but I love the variety of the 17 different workouts P90X3 has! You will never get bored, and your body will never quite get used to what you're doing. THAT is what makes the results of P90X3 so incredible!

The Workouts

Week 1-3 involve doing the same 7 workouts Monday-Friday: Synergistics, Agility X, Yoga, The Challenge, CVX, The Warrior. Thankfully, they are all only 30 minutes each, so they are totally doable and there are NO excuses to not getting them done!

I LOVE these workouts, with the exception of CVX. Haha! CVX is cardio with weights, and I mean HARDCORE cardio with weights. This and plyo workouts are the hardest for me to do, so naturally, I try to avoid them like the plague. But, what is the hardest for us are the things that will get us in the best shape and what we need to work on the most, so I make sure to never actually skip it.
*My tip to getting through workouts you hate: Turn off the talking and music of the workout DVD, and blare your own favorite music mix! It will make the time go by WAY faster.

Synergistics is what the name explains: syngergy of everything in your body working together. You will balance on one leg and lift weights, go from plank to side balance and crunches, boat/plow moves, knee up pull ups, EVERYTHING! There isn't one body part that doesn't get worked in this video.

Agility X is a hardcore cardio video that works on, you guessed it, your agility! You will be jumping from one "x" to the next, jumping over targets, doing different running sequences, etc. If you're not dripping sweat and on the ground gasping for air at the end of it, you're doing it wrong.

The Warrior is one of my all-time favorites! It's one of the workouts that Tony teaches at military bases around the world. It gets your body ripped with your body. Push-ups, burpees, one-legged squats, plank sequences... it's just pure awesomeness. I love workouts I could do anywhere at anytime like this one.

The Challenge is alllll pushin' and pullin'! This one IS definitely a challenge for me, because I haven't quite mastered pull-ups. However, I was exponentially closer to mastering one the first time I did P90X3, so I fully intend to get there in these 90 days! I LOVE push-ups, so I enjoy that part. If you upper body isn't dying and you need help lifting a fork to your face the day after this workout, you're doing it wrong!

*If you would like to ease into the P90X series, but need to start out slower and less intense, look into the newest program P90! It may be JUST what you need!*

The Meal Plan

The P90X3 meal plan isn't detailed enough for me, so I'm going to stick to the 21 Day Fix container/meal plan. However, I'm more excited because I know I will be exerting much more energy doing P90X3, and therefore going with the calorie count with that meal plan book, I will be upping my calorie intake to the next container bracket for the Fix. That means- more food! I am not all about trying to starve myself to get to my goals. Doing extreme workouts like the ones in P90X3, means needing more food to replenish and build your muscles. If not, eating less can take you away from your goals and possibly even to weight gain, or your body at least holding on to all of the fat and calories you have then (meaning no loss of fat or weight at all). I will be consuming around 1,500-1,800 calories a day. 1,800 would be a better goal, so I will do that best I can!

Imagine from

For 21 Day Fix, that will mean: 4 green (veggies), 3 purple (fruits), 4 reds (proteins), 3 yellow (complex carbs), 1 blue (healthy fats), 1 orange (nuts/oils), and 4 teaspoons (nut butters, chocolate, etc).
*My tip to easily keep up with the meal plan is that when you buy the program or just the containers, print out the worksheets that they have for you on the Team Beachbody website! They make it so easy to tally off the containers you use and see what you will have left for the day!

So, How am I Feeling?

The first time I completed, P90X3, I was actually very shocked by my results because I pretty much never once felt sore. If I did, it was very slight, so it made me feel like I was never accomplishing anything.

This time, however, I am so sore I can barely function!!! I know I'm probably a freak, but I love this feeling. I love being sore and sweaty after a workout, barely able to do the next day's... it makes me feel like I am kicking butt! My friend said it's because she believes that I am probably working harder now that I have done it before, and I'm really hoping that's the case! That, and I will get even better results this time!

If you'd like to join me in this journey, please fill out the form below! It will be a blast, and I love having others with me!

With love,

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