Thursday, October 2, 2014

Unapologetically ME!

I did something that I wasn't proud of yesterday.

I randomly flexed in the mirror, was shocked at my most recent improvements, snapped a picture, and shared on Instagram. But, I was nervous and didn't share it on Facebook. I was scared of what people may think. I was scared of being judged for being a female with slightly larger than normal muscle mass. 

When I realized that these thoughts were coursing through my head, I then started to think, "WHAT?!?!? Everything you have worked so hard for, the things you have taught OTHERS not to fear, including judgement from others... and now you're going to run scared from the progress you are making because it may not match someone else's goals?"

So, no more. I am firm believer in practicing what you preach. So many of the beautiful women on my team have been nervous to share their progress photos. Either they are not where they want to be yet, or just have not yet become comfortable with the thought of baring skin on social media. I always comfort them and let them know, "You know what? Someone needs to see this. Someone needs to know that you are going through the same things that they are, and you have tools to help them. You have succeeded no matter WHAT stage in your progress you are currently in." They always come to a realization, share their pictures, and draw in the people that NEEDED them in that moment, and needed their help.

Why am I not telling myself the same things? Who cares if someone is going to judge my muscular figure? That's ok. Maybe I will not connect with them. But you know what, I can and will connect with someone that has the same goals as me, that is ready to shed those last few pounds of fat, that is in love with weightlifting and hates cardio, that would be proud to see defined muscles when they flex in the mirror.

Goals change over time for each person. Mine are now to become the most fit, trim version of me with proper diet and exercise. I REFUSE to be ashamed of that. On Monday, I'm even going to restart P90X3 + Shakeology with one of my girls while using the 21 Day Fix containers to maintain portion control. I hope to be even MORE defined by the end of that!

So, this is me. Unapologetically me. I like lifting heavy weights, I have a hard time giving up carbs, but I am seeing and striving for improvements every day. 

I will never stop doing what I love!


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