Sunday, October 19, 2014

P90X3 Week TWO!

This past week has been a little crazy with family get together's, wedding planning, unexpected road-trips, among other things... BUT I am proud that I was able to get my workout in every.single.DAY! I am feeling amazing and already notice some differences. I have missed all of the variety of the P90X3 workouts sooo much. Every single workout is designed to make you stronger, more agile, flexible, and ready for anything.  It will have you working muscles that you didn't even know you had!!!

The Workouts

Since it's week 2, next week will be the last week of doing the same 7 workouts that I've been doing. Then, just when my body is used to the moves and has mastered them, it will already be time for transition week, and then into the 2nd Phase of the program! Which means, even MORE intense workouts!

I am SO close to mastering 100% real pull-ups- I will have to get a video of how I am modifying them now so everyone can have a good laugh! ;) But the plyo push-ups, 5 different kinds of pull-ups, and elevator push-ups, have all increased my upper body strength so much! It's amazing.

The Meal Plan

It has been surprisingly really difficult to up my calorie intake and eat as many of the 21 Day Fix meal plan containers that I'm supposed to for the 1,500-1,800 calorie bracket. I've been able to consume all of them by pretty much throwing in all of the leftover containers I have into my Shakeology shake each night if I hadn't met the requirements yet! 

I know that my diet will be of utmost importance to my overall results, and I want to make SURE I am properly fueling my body! The wedding is less than 30 days away now, so it's time to go FULL FORCE with my nutrition!

I am currently smelling the deliciousness of this pot roast simmering in the crockpot! I love making big meals that will easily be portioned out into tupperware for Stephen and I to eat off of throughout the week! It saves so much time and money. This will be the perfect mixture of lean protein, veggies, and healthy carbs!

My sweet tooth has also been taking a turn for the worst, but Shakeology has come to the rescue, like always! I just recently made these Vanilla Shakeology pancakes and I cannot even describe how delicious they are! I made them out of:
-2 scoops vanilla Shakeology
-1/2 cup whole wheat quick oats
-2 eggs
-1 spoonful unsweetened applesauce
-1 tbsp flaxseed
-2 tbsps fresh blueberries
-2 tbsps almond milk

I blended everything in my food processor and sprinkled with semi sweet chocolate morsels while they cooked into pancakes! I like to be bad and take them off of the stove before they're fully cooked- I love warm, mushy desserts! They are my weakness!

I have also recently made these Shakeology cookies, but with vanilla Shakeology instead and OH MY GOODNESS! I think they are wayyyy better with the vanilla! I love having extra Shakeology around the house to make these delicious, and super healthy clean desserts!

The Business

My team is soaring STRAIGHT to the top, and fast! I could not have been more blessed with more amazing men and women to work with. It took me a bit to find them, but the wait was well worth it. They are the most selfless, hard working, passionate individuals that are taking their results to the next level, and finding other people to help along the way! The fact that we are all working towards either $500/month extra income, or an entire 6-FIGURE CAREER by doing what we love, helping others, and becoming our healthiest selves, is the most AMAZING blessing!!!

We still also have openings for our totally FREE and purely informational 5 Day Sneak Peak into Beachbody Coaching!!! No obligation at the end whatsoever, but if you have been curious as to what Beachbody Coaching entails, and think you might be interested, add me on Facebook ( and request to join our group TONIGHT! We start all of the information tomorrow! -->

Those of them that got Success Club 10 in September are getting these goodies along with me! A totally free P90 baseball cap and women's or men's shirt- I cannot WAIT to see them!!!! I love this company and how it takes care of its contractors so well. This month a lot of us coaches are in the Fall Classic, working hard to help others and earn some fun prizes in the process- so stay tuned to see what we get after October ends!

Everything Else

Stephen and I are so lucky to still be stationed so close to our families! His grandparents traveled down to FL for a few weeks, and we got to meet up with them at a delicious BBQ place right on the bay. It was a gorgeous view, and this October fall weather is FINALLY starting to cool us down during the daytime so we can enjoy sitting outside!

This weekend we also had the privilege of honoring his great grandmother's life in Parker, FL. It's so amazing to know that his family's past generations had grown up right around the corner from my childhood home. His family and my family finally got to meet for the first time, and I could not have asked for a better reunion! November 15th cannot come soon enough!

-->Above everything else, no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what is going on now, no matter HOW hard it is or how long it takes to reach your goals... never, EVER give up! YOU are worth it, and DESERVE everything in the world! Remember- it's going to get tough before it will ever get easy. 

If you want help getting to where you want to be, fill out my form below and I will get RIGHT in contact with you!

With love,

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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