Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The BIGGEST Reason I Became a Beachbody Coach!

I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to sign on as a Beachbody coach.

In fact, I didn't take much time to even think about it at all before I dived into it. I just knew deep down inside that it was meant for me. It took some time to realize that, but it happened. And when I get that burning desire inside to do something, there is no stopping me.

I had been offered the opportunity to become a coach before, but wasn't sure I had the time for it, so I declined. But, the truth was, I did have time for it. Anyone and everyone has the time for this. What I didn't have, was the passion. I didn't have the passion, because I didn't truly have the motivation and determination to be the best me that I knew that I could be. I had bought my fitness program and Shakeology, but I wasn't giving it all I had, and therefore wasn't making any progress. I wasn't in a place where I was ready to work on myself, so I knew I definitely couldn't be helping other people.

It was the day that I decided enough was enough, and I knew I had to make a change, that everything began to slowly fall into place. I pushed play on my Turbo Fire workout every morning, changed my eating habits, and for the first time- was able to focus on me. Two months later of eating clean, drinking Shakeology, and exercising daily- I immediately messaged my coach and said, "I promised myself that if I had gotten the results that I was hoping for by the end of this program, I would become a coach and share this with other people." So, that's exactly what I did! I signed up as a coach right then and there, without question, and began inviting to my challenge groups the very same week!

You see, I didn't need to have all of the answers right then. All I knew, was that Beachbody coaching was a beautiful thing. I had someone amazing in my life that had supported me throughout my health and fitness journey every step of the way, whether they got a penny from me or not. That's what I wanted to be for other people. The exercise program, Shakeology, and support group, did more for me than alter my physical appearance the way I wanted them to. They brought my confidence and happiness back. They transformed me from the inside out. I had never in my life had the support through this journey back to health that I did with my challenge/support group, and I got to meet women from all over the world in doing so.

Getting to help others reach their goals the way I was able to reach mine, is the most breathtakingly beautiful aspect of my life. I knew the second that Beachbody coaching was brought to my doorstep, that I was meant for this. I didn't stumble upon it by accident, I have always loved helping people, and this was the way that I was meant to do it. It may not make me a millionaire (or at least for a very long time), and it may take years to actually have a "normal" income. But, that doesn't matter to me. This is the single most fulfilling job I have ever had!

It's because of women like my new friend, Julie, that remind me of the amazing life transformations that coaches get to witness and support women and men through. Julie just finished her first round of The 21 Day Fix, and is back in her pre-pregnancy pants, and even better, back to CONFIDENCE and FREEDOM!
Day 1 vs. Day 21: just 3 WEEKS!

Health and fitness, and coaching others through it, is so much more than the physical changes... it's about taking control of every aspect of our lives back. It is such a beautiful journey, and I hope to share it with as many people as possible before my ride here is over. :)

If you think Beachbody Coaching could be something for you, please feel free to fill out the form below, and tell me a little about yourself! I am always looking for motivated, determined, coachable, loving people to join me on my team! We are in this TOGETHER! In just a couple of weeks, I am hosting a 21 Day New Coach Training that will give you ALL of the tools that you will need to succeed and go FAR in this business!

*Plus, if you are active duty military or an active duty military spouse, find out how to coach for absolutely FREE!*

Fill out my online form.
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