Monday, December 22, 2014

How P90X3 will get you RIPPED!

One thing that makes me sad about Beachbody programs, is when they get a bad rep about how much they cost. 

To me, no one could ever truly understand their value until they experience them through and through. When you find your soul mate program, the one that inspires and speaks to you and that you look forward to doing every morning- there is no price limit on that!!! For me to have been able to buy an exercise program that could give me all of the results I could have ever dreamed of, without me having to literally throw money out of my pockets for a gym membership I would never use, and trainers, that although are usually incredible are still pretty expensive--- how does it get any better than that? 

When you purchase a Beachbody program, you purchase much more than DVD's to throw into your DVD player. You are buying the extremely hard work of an extremely talented professional trainer that is with you every.single.minute you are doing that workout. Helping you with form, telling you every move to do every day to get in amazing shape, and pushing you to go hard til the very end. The amount of money you may spend on a 2 to 3 month program is probably as much as you would spend on maybe a week of sessions with a professional trainer at a gym. Not only that, but you keep these programs forever. *Side note: that's why you should always buy through a Beachbody coach that you know! If you buy one anywhere other than the Beachbody site, you risk purchasing something that has no guarantee whatsoever. No replaced scratched or lost disks, no money back guarantee, etc. Or if you purchase through the website without a coach, they assign you a random person anyway, so why not contact someone you know and trust?

But, there's more. When you decide on and purchase a Beachbody program, you join a team; a community. With me and my team, you join the ability to have a huge support group that has been there giving you tips, and meal plans, and accountability. There is seriously nothing like it in the world! 

Beachbody cares about so much more than the health of our diet, like some other companies strive off of. We have top of the line fitness programs that cannot be found on any shelf in stores or at any gym. There's a reason Beachbody barely has any bad reviews and is such a successful company. They care, and we as coaches care!

Now this video... this is just a tidbit of the first video of P90X3 and why it is so effective. These are just snippets of a few of the different moves you will see. P90X3 has everything. Weight lifting, yoga, pilates, cardio with weights, 5 different kinds of cardio that you won't get bored of (agility training, MMX, deceleration/acceleration, etc.). The reason the P90X series are so popular, is because they work. They work, because there are about 18 different videos designed in a schedule so that your body never gets used to what it is doing.

You don't need to spend $30-$100/month on a gym membership. You don't need hundreds of dollars of equipment in your house to get in incredible shape. You barely need any room or any time. What you do need, is to MAKE the time and MAKE the DEDICATION!

I never thought I could do this, but I'm on the road to it. And you can be too. You are WORTH this!

Find me on Facebook to follow my journey {}, and apply below to be in my New Year, New You new year's challenge group starting NEXT WEEK!

With love, 
Amanda James

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Let 2015 Begin!

Hi!! I feel like it's been a bit since I've given a real update on everything going on lately. November got hectic with wedding planning, and then of course the wedding and then honeymoon, but I never stopped staying active and doing the best I could in my diet! Well, excluding some moments during the honeymoon.

The incredible Kiersten Grant photographed our wedding and I could not have asked for more beautiful pictures that really captured how we felt. It was honestly the best day of our lives, and we wish we could relive it! (minus the planning. ha!)

Peak of Our Wedding:

Peak of Our Honeymoon (Jamaica & Haiti):

Now, the Holidays have consisted of lots of travel between coming back home after a week at sea, Thanksgiving, birthdays, now Christmas for both sides of the families. But, I couldn't ask for anything better. I know how incredibly lucky we are to have remained so close to our families and to have families to spend these holidays with, so bring the travel on!

I'm getting more and more excited each day for my upcoming New Year, New You challenge group. Not only for the challengers that will be joining me (ladies doing their own programs in the group), but for hitting the restart button on my own fitness journey. While I've kept doing the minimum to maintain during these busy months, that also means I haven't gone any further with my goals, which I'm not too happy about.

Today I am officially starting P90X3 over again from scratch! Day 1 is in the books and I'm ecstatic about it. This has been my favorite program by far, and I'm excited to see what results Round 2 will bring while incorporating a higher calorie bracket of the 21 Day Fix meal plan. I'm using the 21 Day Fix meal plan just to continue to help me realize how much of each food group is necessary for my body with the amount of calories I'm consuming. I know how easy it would be to say I have 1,800 allotted calories for the day, and fill most of those with carbs and sugars, etc. But to know I have 3 servings of complex carbs, 2 servings of fruit, 4 servings of protein, and so on, helps me tremendously (which is why 21 Day Fix is also the bomb!)

My New Year, New You group is open to any and all programs. I never want to shut anyone out because their interests and goals call for a different program than what I'm doing. For some, P90X3 may sound terrible because they hate weight lifting, but also way too intense because they are just starting out on their fitness journey, and that's ok! There are so so so many programs to choose from, which is why I would LOVE for you to fill out my application for the group and contact me so I can help you choose the best program for you!

I am meal prepping today for the week and keeping it super simple. Grilled chicken with fresh Italian herbs, garlic and parmesan quinoa, and fresh green beans for the main course. I always have chopped up fruits in the freezer for my Shakeology smoothies along with fresh spinach and kale to throw in (because Lord knows I am not good at getting my veggies in otherwise), and a clean eating pot rost in the crockpot for dinners! Snacks will consist of Tony Horton's Stick Bars, other fresh veggies, almonds & organic craisins, and anything else quick and healthy I can find. I definitely recommend going ahead and having your snacks all bagged up to be able to grab on the go, on the way to work or on your errands! It never hurts to have some extras in your purse/backpack/etc to have on the go so you don't get so starving that fast food starts calling your name!

In other exciting news, I have also started a brand new like page on Facebook to start really following my health and fitness journey through all of the little details. I just hope this can expand for me to really be able to find others that need help, and to further help those in need!
To start following me, just go here -->AmandaGotFit<-- nbsp="">

So, what are your fitness goals for the New Year? How can I help you?

If you would like to join my upcoming fitness group, please feel free to apply below and I will get in touch with you!

Amanda James

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Strawberry Shakeology Protein Muffins

When I have some extra Shakeology/protein powder around the house, and I'm in the mood for some baking, I love whipping up some healthy concoctions that won't bust the waistline.

With the extra Strawberry Shakeology I had, visions of strawberry pancakes and muffins filled my mind and I had to find a yummy recipe I could make my own with Shakeo! So, this is what I came up with... I even got extra naughty and put some semi-sweet chocolate morsels in there ;) (they're 21 Day Fix approved, ok?!)

Try these babies out when you need a sweet fix the HEALTHY way! They would be great with any flavor of Shakeology.

What You'll Need:

-2-3 scoops of Shakeology (about 1 cup)
-1 tsp. baking soda
-1 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
-1/2 cup applesauce
-1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
-1 1/2 tbsps. maple syrup
-2 egg whites
-1/2 cup mini or regular chocolate chips (*optional)


-Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Spray muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray.
-In a medium bowl, whisk together all dry ingredients (Shakeology, baking soda, cinnamon),
-In a large bowl, mix applesauce, Greek yogurt, maple syrup, and egg whites. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix until smooth. Fold in chocolate chips and let mixture sit to thicken for a few minutes.

-Pour mixture evenly into muffin cups and bake 15-20 minutes, or until cooked all the way through.
-Let cool and then enjoy!

 With love,

Amanda James

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New Year, New YOU!

Every year in the past, I always stayed far away from New Year's resolutions.

I would tell myself and everyone else that I thought that they were silly, or useless, or what have you, but the truth is... they scared me. I have always been the opposite of a goal setter. I used to think that setting goals was one in the same as setting myself up for failure. I was way more comfortable just going with the flow and never having real goals or reals failures, when in reality, what I didn't realize at the time... is that you MUST fail before you can EVER succeed!

Everything changed when my husband, at the time fiance, deployed shortly after we had moved in together. I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired--- eating poorly, never working out, exhausted from my job, constantly sick, you name it. I decided for the first time to set some goals (and surprise him when he got home), and those goals were to lose 10 pounds, gain my energy, health and life back, and be happy in my own skin.

Getting TurboFire, Shakeology, and joining my first ever Bombshell Challenge Group literally saved my life. For the first time, I had a support group cheering me on and I reached every single one of those goals!

This year, I am at it again! I am setting MAJOR goals for myself, and as a Beachbody Coach for my first New Year ever, I want to be that support system for others around me. I want to help women gain their strength, health, and confidence back, while having fun, feeling comfortable, while really challenging themselves and meeting new friends. It was the best thing to ever happen to my life, and I am ready to pass it on more than ever!

I am officially going back to my second round of P90X3, the fitness program that got me in the best shape of my life! While Turbo Fire helped me shed that last bit of unwanted fat, P90X3 really took me to the next level- extreme fat loss and extreme lean muscle gain! I got back in a size 2 pants and was ecstatic. Check out my YouTube transformation video to really get the whole story!

However, there are so many programs to choose from and I want to help you find the perfect one for your specific wants, needs, and goals for your health! Please comment on this post and fill out my application to be considered for this incredible group. I will be helping you through every step of the way, and I want serious inquiries only! This is your health and future and while I am going to take it very seriously with you, I can only do that if you take it seriously too!

For further questions and information, feel free to e-mail me at!

With love,

Amanda James
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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake

Oh my gosh, you guys. This is the single most decadent Shakeology recipe I have ever gotten my hands on! Thank goodness for the holidays. It is thick, creamy, rich, full of healthy fats, and what better way to secretly get your fruits, veggies, antioxidants, vitamins, phytonutrients in, and more with Shakeology?

Not only is this my new favorite recipe for when I seriously need a rich dessert without all of the sugar and calories, but it has officially been over a year since I have been sick one time since drinking Shakeology every day, so I thought it was the perfect time to share another recipe with everyone!

Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Shakeology

Image from

What You'll Need:
-1 scoop Chocolate or Vanilla Shakeology
-1/4 cup fat free ricotta cheese
-1/4 cup plain fat-free yogurt
(*Greek yogurt for extra protein; add Stevia to sweeten as desired)
-2 tbsp. peanut butter (PB2/almond butter)
-1/4 cup water
-1/2 cup almond milk (skim milk)

Blend & ENJOY!

If you are looking for a healthy and safe meal replacement, that is not sketchy, not just a protein shake, and not just for weight loss, please look no further than Shakeology. I could promise you, you will not be able to find another shake like this. I have had many customers look far and wide to try to find a cheaper product, but either a cheaper product is what you'll find, or you will have to put multiple products together to make the same healthy concoction as Shakeology, and end up spending the same amount of money.

I am in love with this miracle drink and what it has done for me and those around me who have been drinking it as well. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me! Want to pair it with a program and start on your health and fitness journey as well? Fill out the form below and we will get started in our New Year's Bombshell Challenge Group!

With love,

Amanda James
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Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Insanity MAX:30 is HERE!

If there is one aspect of fitness and weight loss that I tend to struggle with, it is getting my cardio in. Cardio has just never been my cup of tea. BUT, if there is one celebrity trainer that knows how to make cardio a BLAST and bring you so much heart-pumping inspiration that you have no choice but to never give up, it is SHAUN-T!

Shaun-T is seriously one of the sweetest, down to earth, funniest human beings on the planet. I got to meet him at Beachbody's Coach Summit 2014 in Vegas when I was actually waiting in line to meet and get my book signed by Tony Horton! (Y'all know my Tony Horton/P90X3's bad). Shaun T was walking with his crew, probably to his own separate event, and stopped to talk to all of us. He just radiates with positivity and a zest for life! We also got to work out live with him at the end of Summit, and one minute he will have you rolling on the floor laughing, and the next almost in tears because of how inspirational he is. You can tell that he is 100% living his God-given purpose and passion to help others lead a lifestyle of health and fitness. Although, that health and fitness is death by cardio, LOL!

Shaun T's Insanity is one of the programs that Beachbody is most well known for, in my opinion. It's 40-60 minutes of pure cardio TORTURE that is sure to get you ripped. I've never been brave enough to try it, but the people and coaches that I know that have... got some of the most amazing results I've ever seen.

Then, came Shaun T's T25. This was a game changer for people all over the world, because it was Insanity, but put into a doable 25 minutes/5 days a week that left you with a little self worth at the end of the video. Tehe. Even these 25 minutes were TOUGH for me though. I did a few weeks of the program with a friend, and although it was hard, I will say in those few weeks I noticed ASTOUNDING differences in my stamina, speed, core strength, and mostly upper body strength (I could do push-ups and hold plank like no one's business).

Now, Shaun T has officially gone above and beyond, and done it AGAIN!

Beachbody launched Insanity MAX:30 just yesterday, and I know this is, again, going to be changing so many lives. Insanity MAX:30 is, like the title hints, only 30 minutes long and based on a breakthrough method calling MAXING OUT!

Unlike Insanity, in which you focus on pacing yourself throughout the workout to finish, in Insanity MAX:30 you literally want to push as hard as you can and MAX OUT! When you've done all you can, and can't push through any longer, you "max out" and write down your max out time. You take a little break and jump back in, and each day your goal is to increase your max out time!

Insanity MAX:30 details:

  • Over 100 BRAND NEW moves to help you dig a little deeper and get in the best shape of your life
  • Moves to combine cardio and strength without ANY equipment at all
  • The program is 60 days long, broken up into Month 1 and Month 2
  • All workouts are 30 minutes long, except for a 10 minute ab workout
  • Schedule is working out 5 out of 7 days a week (so get those 30 minutes done in the morning before work Mon-Fri and enjoy the weekend? Ummm, yes please!)
  • This can be for anyone from a fitness beginner to an EXPERT! Everyone's max out time is different, and everyone will have room for growth and improvement! Modifier available.

  • Month 1 workouts are a combination of strength and TABATA type exercises (which means 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off)

  • Month 2 workouts is all about taking it to the MAX- more challenging and longer workout intervals (45 seconds on, 15 seconds off)
As always, Shakeology will be CRUCIAL to your health and results through this program. So, as an incredibly special offer for the month of its launch, ALL throughout December if you order THROUGH A COACH you can get the Insanity MAX:30 challenge pack on an incredible sale for $180! That's a savings of over $95, and includes:
  • A month of Shakeology meal replacement shakes
  • Over 10 top of the line workout DVD's

  • A calendar made specifically to give you the ultimate results. Follow this calendar to a T, and you will for sure max out your results!
  • A meal plan that combined with Shakeology, will leave you shredded and fueled perfectly to reap the benefits of MAX:30

  • 4 FREE gifts for ordering through a coach!
If you would like to be considered as a a challenger for our EXCLUSIVE Insanity MAX:30 TEST GROUP beginning January 5, 2015, fill out the Challenger Application Form and contact me asap! These programs are going FAST from their launch dates, and the preaseason for our group starts at the end of this month! Get your program today and I will help you every step of the way!

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