Monday, October 27, 2014

P90X3 Week 3, and a little something NEW!


The Meal Plan

Image from

I'm going to start off  by saying that this week has been FILLED with so many foodie temptations, and I have given in a few too many times. From my Pure Romance party, to nights out with friends, junk food has been slowly creeping back into my everyday routine and filling my fridge and pantries. Therefore, I took today to literally throw away ALL of the junk food that was in my house! If there wasn't much left, it was trashed. If there was, I distributed it to Stephen, his work, and other friends. But, I HAD to make sure it was gone. That's the first thing I do every time I decide that I need a fresh start- the bad must go out for the good to come in! Plus, I am the worst with food temptations and I have virtually no self control whatsoever, haha! So I know if it's in the house, no matter how good my intentions are, I will probably fail.

I am also usually a sucker for buying the super high sodium flavor packets for any recipe, so I'm going to try to turn a new leaf and really follow either the seasoning recipes from the 21 Day Fix meal plan book, or ones that I find online! I found this recipe for taco seasoning yesterday, and it was honestly delicious!

Taco Seasoning Recipe

  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
    • ¼ teaspoon onion powder
    • ¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
    • ½ teaspoon dried oregano
    • ½ teaspoon paprika
    • 1½ teaspoons ground cumin
    • 1 teaspoon sea salt
    • 1 teaspoon black pepper

    *If you want it without any spice, remove the red pepper flakes!*

    The Workouts

    On my yoga day, (of all workouts days, right? lol) I really injured my neck. It was the rolling from boat to plow move that did it for me. I'm learning I just need to stay away from plow because that was not the first time I have hurt my neck from pulling it during that move! Anyway, it was pretty painful to do much, so I resorted to more weight lifting exercises (that didn't involve a ton of running and jumping around).

    Image from

    I whipped out the one program I have yet to do more than a few workouts from, this week:
     BODY BEAST! (which is actually on a BIG sale right now). I have absolutely LOVED it so far. If you are like me, and more of a weight-lifting kinda gal or guy and not much of a cardio lover, you would definitely love this program.

    If you check out these results, you can see that Body Beast + Shakeology does amazing things for men AND women!

    Image from

    My workout schedule for this week looked like this:

    Monday: P90X3 Synergistics X & Dynamix X
    Tuesday: P90X3 Yoga X and Cold Start
    Wednesday: my rest day from neck injury
    Thursday: Body Beast Back/Biceps
    Friday: P90X Plyometrics X (an extra in the Body Beast program- I actually really loved it this time around!)
    Saturday: Body Beast Abs/21 Day Fix Yoga
    Sunday: Body Beast Shoulders/21 Day Fix 10 Minute Fix for Abs

    I know my schedule was pretty all over the place, but I did really enjoy waking up each morning, sorting through my DVD's, and picking out the workout that I was really in the mood to do. I'm starting to rack up enough workouts to be able to do that, lol! And, honestly, nothing is better than rolling out of bed, heading downstairs, doing a little work, and getting an incredible workout on my living room floor with my own personal trainer. Next week, I just need to make sure I get a bit more cardio in there! Plyo and Synergistics were really the only ones with a cardio mix to them.

    3 Day Refresh: Round 2!

    Our wedding is three weeks out, so I'm going to start doing a bit of carb cutting, more intense workouts, and throwing in a 3 Day Refresh closer to the day! I'm actually doing a FREE 3-DAY REFRESH GIVEAWAY! So if you're interested in finding out more about that, GO TO MY FACEBOOK PAGE, follow the rules, and your name will be added to the pool of contestants! If you'd like to go ahead and purchase the Refresh yourself, read more about it HERE and purchase HERE.

    The Business

    In my business, I am more thankful than ever that I will get to have our wedding day off and week for the honeymoon to cruise through Jamaica and Haiti, without having to beg for the days off from my boss... because, well, I AM my own boss! We are having an upcoming 21 Day Smart Start for NEW Beachbody Coaches in just a couple of weeks! If you would like to start YOUR journey to financial, physical, and family FREEDOM, apply below and I will contact you right away!

    With love,

    Fill out my online form.
    There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

    Thursday, October 23, 2014


    I looooove me a a good old fashioned PB&J sammich! However, with following the 21 Day Fix containers/meal plan, a lot of times I don't want to waste 2 out of 3 of my allotted yellow (carb) containers on one sandwich! So, I LOVE that we are able to basically make Shakeology taste like absolutely anything we want to with the right mixture of ingredients!

    Chocolate Shakeology has a much more rich, deep chocolate taste, that's very good on it's own, but not always great to mix with a lot of things, in my opinion. Vanilla Shakeology, on the other hand, isn't that great on it's own, but is an amazing base to mix with ANYTHING and is very sweet and flavorful when done so!

    This recipe calls for vanilla Shakeo, is sweet and simple, and one of my favorites! Be careful if you share with the kiddos... they may not hand your shake back!

    PB&J Smoothie

    Image from

    What You'll Need:
    -1 scoop vanilla Shakeology
    -1 handful frozen red grapes
    -1 tbsp. peanut or almond butter
    -1/2 cup water
    -1/2 cup almond milk
    *optional: handful of ice to make it frothier
    *optional: spinach for some extra greens!

    Blend and enjoy your practically carb-less peanut butter and jelly! It doesn't get much better than THAT!

    Tuesday, October 21, 2014

    Apple Pie

    I think most everyone from the South and up can appreciate a good warm, gooey apple pie! So, why not enjoy the deliciousness of the pie in a milkshake full of veggies, antioxidants, and other nutrients?! I am all about the sweets that won't hinder my health and fitness goals, and this is one of them! But beware, it is SUPER sweet!

    Apple Pie Shakeology

    Image from

    What You'll Need:

    -1 scoop vanilla Shakeology
    -1/2 cup almond milk
    -1/2 cup water (or 1 whole cup water if you're trying to cut almond milk!)
    -1/2 cup whole wheat oats
    -1/2 frozen red apple (or 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce for it to be less sweet)
    -1 tsp. ground cinnamon

    Blend and enjoy your delicious, healthy dessert!

    Sunday, October 19, 2014

    P90X3 Week TWO!

    This past week has been a little crazy with family get together's, wedding planning, unexpected road-trips, among other things... BUT I am proud that I was able to get my workout in every.single.DAY! I am feeling amazing and already notice some differences. I have missed all of the variety of the P90X3 workouts sooo much. Every single workout is designed to make you stronger, more agile, flexible, and ready for anything.  It will have you working muscles that you didn't even know you had!!!

    The Workouts

    Since it's week 2, next week will be the last week of doing the same 7 workouts that I've been doing. Then, just when my body is used to the moves and has mastered them, it will already be time for transition week, and then into the 2nd Phase of the program! Which means, even MORE intense workouts!

    I am SO close to mastering 100% real pull-ups- I will have to get a video of how I am modifying them now so everyone can have a good laugh! ;) But the plyo push-ups, 5 different kinds of pull-ups, and elevator push-ups, have all increased my upper body strength so much! It's amazing.

    The Meal Plan

    It has been surprisingly really difficult to up my calorie intake and eat as many of the 21 Day Fix meal plan containers that I'm supposed to for the 1,500-1,800 calorie bracket. I've been able to consume all of them by pretty much throwing in all of the leftover containers I have into my Shakeology shake each night if I hadn't met the requirements yet! 

    I know that my diet will be of utmost importance to my overall results, and I want to make SURE I am properly fueling my body! The wedding is less than 30 days away now, so it's time to go FULL FORCE with my nutrition!

    I am currently smelling the deliciousness of this pot roast simmering in the crockpot! I love making big meals that will easily be portioned out into tupperware for Stephen and I to eat off of throughout the week! It saves so much time and money. This will be the perfect mixture of lean protein, veggies, and healthy carbs!

    My sweet tooth has also been taking a turn for the worst, but Shakeology has come to the rescue, like always! I just recently made these Vanilla Shakeology pancakes and I cannot even describe how delicious they are! I made them out of:
    -2 scoops vanilla Shakeology
    -1/2 cup whole wheat quick oats
    -2 eggs
    -1 spoonful unsweetened applesauce
    -1 tbsp flaxseed
    -2 tbsps fresh blueberries
    -2 tbsps almond milk

    I blended everything in my food processor and sprinkled with semi sweet chocolate morsels while they cooked into pancakes! I like to be bad and take them off of the stove before they're fully cooked- I love warm, mushy desserts! They are my weakness!

    I have also recently made these Shakeology cookies, but with vanilla Shakeology instead and OH MY GOODNESS! I think they are wayyyy better with the vanilla! I love having extra Shakeology around the house to make these delicious, and super healthy clean desserts!

    The Business

    My team is soaring STRAIGHT to the top, and fast! I could not have been more blessed with more amazing men and women to work with. It took me a bit to find them, but the wait was well worth it. They are the most selfless, hard working, passionate individuals that are taking their results to the next level, and finding other people to help along the way! The fact that we are all working towards either $500/month extra income, or an entire 6-FIGURE CAREER by doing what we love, helping others, and becoming our healthiest selves, is the most AMAZING blessing!!!

    We still also have openings for our totally FREE and purely informational 5 Day Sneak Peak into Beachbody Coaching!!! No obligation at the end whatsoever, but if you have been curious as to what Beachbody Coaching entails, and think you might be interested, add me on Facebook ( and request to join our group TONIGHT! We start all of the information tomorrow! -->

    Those of them that got Success Club 10 in September are getting these goodies along with me! A totally free P90 baseball cap and women's or men's shirt- I cannot WAIT to see them!!!! I love this company and how it takes care of its contractors so well. This month a lot of us coaches are in the Fall Classic, working hard to help others and earn some fun prizes in the process- so stay tuned to see what we get after October ends!

    Everything Else

    Stephen and I are so lucky to still be stationed so close to our families! His grandparents traveled down to FL for a few weeks, and we got to meet up with them at a delicious BBQ place right on the bay. It was a gorgeous view, and this October fall weather is FINALLY starting to cool us down during the daytime so we can enjoy sitting outside!

    This weekend we also had the privilege of honoring his great grandmother's life in Parker, FL. It's so amazing to know that his family's past generations had grown up right around the corner from my childhood home. His family and my family finally got to meet for the first time, and I could not have asked for a better reunion! November 15th cannot come soon enough!

    -->Above everything else, no matter what has happened in the past, no matter what is going on now, no matter HOW hard it is or how long it takes to reach your goals... never, EVER give up! YOU are worth it, and DESERVE everything in the world! Remember- it's going to get tough before it will ever get easy. 
    YOU can DO THIS!

    If you want help getting to where you want to be, fill out my form below and I will get RIGHT in contact with you!

    With love,

    Fill out my online form.
    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

    Thursday, October 16, 2014

    Cinnamon Pumpkin Frappe

    Before I begin, here's a little blurb about myself: being a Beachbody coach does NOT make me free from the delicious food and beverage temptations that everyone else endures! I still feel them- a LOT! However, being a Beachbody coach does make me more inclined to try to find healthy alternatives that won't bust the waistline, and that I can share with others!

    So, with that being said, I have wanted those dang Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Frappuccinos and lattes like NO ONE'S business!!!! Haha! What I did discover, though, is how delicious of a pumpkin frappe Shakeology can make with some other delicious, and totally clean ingredients! Now every time I get those temptations, and it's not cheat day, this is what I grab!

    Cinnamon Pumpkin Frappe

    Image from
    What You'll Need:

    -1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
    -1 to 2 tbsps. pumpkin puree
    -1/3 cup chilled or room temp. coffee
    -1/3 cup almond milk
    -1/3 cup water
    -1 tsp. vanilla extract
    -1 tsp. ground cinnamon
    -1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice and/or nutmeg
    -handful of ice cubes
    -Stevia to taste

    -->Throw it all in a blender, blend, and ENJOY your delicious & totally clean Pumpkin Frappe!

    *To purchase your own Shakeology, order HERE!*

    Tuesday, October 14, 2014

    Funky Monkey

    If you are a huge fan of bananas and peanut butter like me, this will probably be one of your favorite Shakeology recipes! It's simple, full of protein, healthy fats and carbs, and will keep you full for hours!

    Funky Monkey Recipe

    -1 scoop regular or vegan chocolate Shakeology
    -1 tbsp. all natural peanut or almond butter
    -1/2 or whole frozen banana, peeled
    -1/2 cup slim or almond milk
    -1/2 cup water
    *optional: handful of ice to make it extra frothy
    *optional: have a hard time getting fresh greens in throughout the day? Although Shakeology is full of fruits and veggies in itself, it's never a bad idea to throw in some fresh spinach or kale! It'll be hidden by the wonderful taste of Shakeology.

    Blend and drink up your HEALTHIEST meal of the day! Get Shakeology for yourself HERE!

    Fill out my online form.
    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

    Monday, October 13, 2014

    P90X3 Week 1: The Good, The Bad, The UGLY!

    If you have been following me, you probably already know that 21 Day Fix and P90X3 are my absolute favorite Beachbody fitness programs of all time! I love that they are a mixture of every element of physical health and wellness all rolled into one: weight lifting, cardio, pilates, yoga, cardio WITH weights, plyometrics... you name it, they have it.

    21 Day Fix was a really big game changer for me when it came to the meal plan and color coded tupperware containers. Clean eating has always been my biggest foe, and while I have gotten much better with clean eating food choices and finding what I love, I knew that I was still suffering with portion control, so 21 Day Fix SAVED me in that department.

    However, after about 6+ straight weeks of 21 Day Fix workouts, I was looking for a bit more. I started incorporating some of my old PiYo and Turbo Fire workouts in, but I am a stickler for organization, and love going by a strict schedule. P90X3 is the workout that to this day has gotten me in the best shape of my life, so I decided to turn back to it! The one complaint I have about 21 Day Fix is that it only has 7 different workouts (well, 8, including the awesome bonus Plyo DVD). I love every workout soooo much, but I love the variety of the 17 different workouts P90X3 has! You will never get bored, and your body will never quite get used to what you're doing. THAT is what makes the results of P90X3 so incredible!

    The Workouts

    Week 1-3 involve doing the same 7 workouts Monday-Friday: Synergistics, Agility X, Yoga, The Challenge, CVX, The Warrior. Thankfully, they are all only 30 minutes each, so they are totally doable and there are NO excuses to not getting them done!

    I LOVE these workouts, with the exception of CVX. Haha! CVX is cardio with weights, and I mean HARDCORE cardio with weights. This and plyo workouts are the hardest for me to do, so naturally, I try to avoid them like the plague. But, what is the hardest for us are the things that will get us in the best shape and what we need to work on the most, so I make sure to never actually skip it.
    *My tip to getting through workouts you hate: Turn off the talking and music of the workout DVD, and blare your own favorite music mix! It will make the time go by WAY faster.

    Synergistics is what the name explains: syngergy of everything in your body working together. You will balance on one leg and lift weights, go from plank to side balance and crunches, boat/plow moves, knee up pull ups, EVERYTHING! There isn't one body part that doesn't get worked in this video.

    Agility X is a hardcore cardio video that works on, you guessed it, your agility! You will be jumping from one "x" to the next, jumping over targets, doing different running sequences, etc. If you're not dripping sweat and on the ground gasping for air at the end of it, you're doing it wrong.

    The Warrior is one of my all-time favorites! It's one of the workouts that Tony teaches at military bases around the world. It gets your body ripped with your body. Push-ups, burpees, one-legged squats, plank sequences... it's just pure awesomeness. I love workouts I could do anywhere at anytime like this one.

    The Challenge is alllll pushin' and pullin'! This one IS definitely a challenge for me, because I haven't quite mastered pull-ups. However, I was exponentially closer to mastering one the first time I did P90X3, so I fully intend to get there in these 90 days! I LOVE push-ups, so I enjoy that part. If you upper body isn't dying and you need help lifting a fork to your face the day after this workout, you're doing it wrong!

    *If you would like to ease into the P90X series, but need to start out slower and less intense, look into the newest program P90! It may be JUST what you need!*

    The Meal Plan

    The P90X3 meal plan isn't detailed enough for me, so I'm going to stick to the 21 Day Fix container/meal plan. However, I'm more excited because I know I will be exerting much more energy doing P90X3, and therefore going with the calorie count with that meal plan book, I will be upping my calorie intake to the next container bracket for the Fix. That means- more food! I am not all about trying to starve myself to get to my goals. Doing extreme workouts like the ones in P90X3, means needing more food to replenish and build your muscles. If not, eating less can take you away from your goals and possibly even to weight gain, or your body at least holding on to all of the fat and calories you have then (meaning no loss of fat or weight at all). I will be consuming around 1,500-1,800 calories a day. 1,800 would be a better goal, so I will do that best I can!

    Imagine from

    For 21 Day Fix, that will mean: 4 green (veggies), 3 purple (fruits), 4 reds (proteins), 3 yellow (complex carbs), 1 blue (healthy fats), 1 orange (nuts/oils), and 4 teaspoons (nut butters, chocolate, etc).
    *My tip to easily keep up with the meal plan is that when you buy the program or just the containers, print out the worksheets that they have for you on the Team Beachbody website! They make it so easy to tally off the containers you use and see what you will have left for the day!

    So, How am I Feeling?

    The first time I completed, P90X3, I was actually very shocked by my results because I pretty much never once felt sore. If I did, it was very slight, so it made me feel like I was never accomplishing anything.

    This time, however, I am so sore I can barely function!!! I know I'm probably a freak, but I love this feeling. I love being sore and sweaty after a workout, barely able to do the next day's... it makes me feel like I am kicking butt! My friend said it's because she believes that I am probably working harder now that I have done it before, and I'm really hoping that's the case! That, and I will get even better results this time!

    If you'd like to join me in this journey, please fill out the form below! It will be a blast, and I love having others with me!

    With love,

    Fill out my online form.
    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

    Wednesday, October 8, 2014

    The BIGGEST Reason I Became a Beachbody Coach!

    I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to sign on as a Beachbody coach.

    In fact, I didn't take much time to even think about it at all before I dived into it. I just knew deep down inside that it was meant for me. It took some time to realize that, but it happened. And when I get that burning desire inside to do something, there is no stopping me.

    I had been offered the opportunity to become a coach before, but wasn't sure I had the time for it, so I declined. But, the truth was, I did have time for it. Anyone and everyone has the time for this. What I didn't have, was the passion. I didn't have the passion, because I didn't truly have the motivation and determination to be the best me that I knew that I could be. I had bought my fitness program and Shakeology, but I wasn't giving it all I had, and therefore wasn't making any progress. I wasn't in a place where I was ready to work on myself, so I knew I definitely couldn't be helping other people.

    It was the day that I decided enough was enough, and I knew I had to make a change, that everything began to slowly fall into place. I pushed play on my Turbo Fire workout every morning, changed my eating habits, and for the first time- was able to focus on me. Two months later of eating clean, drinking Shakeology, and exercising daily- I immediately messaged my coach and said, "I promised myself that if I had gotten the results that I was hoping for by the end of this program, I would become a coach and share this with other people." So, that's exactly what I did! I signed up as a coach right then and there, without question, and began inviting to my challenge groups the very same week!

    You see, I didn't need to have all of the answers right then. All I knew, was that Beachbody coaching was a beautiful thing. I had someone amazing in my life that had supported me throughout my health and fitness journey every step of the way, whether they got a penny from me or not. That's what I wanted to be for other people. The exercise program, Shakeology, and support group, did more for me than alter my physical appearance the way I wanted them to. They brought my confidence and happiness back. They transformed me from the inside out. I had never in my life had the support through this journey back to health that I did with my challenge/support group, and I got to meet women from all over the world in doing so.

    Getting to help others reach their goals the way I was able to reach mine, is the most breathtakingly beautiful aspect of my life. I knew the second that Beachbody coaching was brought to my doorstep, that I was meant for this. I didn't stumble upon it by accident, I have always loved helping people, and this was the way that I was meant to do it. It may not make me a millionaire (or at least for a very long time), and it may take years to actually have a "normal" income. But, that doesn't matter to me. This is the single most fulfilling job I have ever had!

    It's because of women like my new friend, Julie, that remind me of the amazing life transformations that coaches get to witness and support women and men through. Julie just finished her first round of The 21 Day Fix, and is back in her pre-pregnancy pants, and even better, back to CONFIDENCE and FREEDOM!
    Day 1 vs. Day 21: just 3 WEEKS!

    Health and fitness, and coaching others through it, is so much more than the physical changes... it's about taking control of every aspect of our lives back. It is such a beautiful journey, and I hope to share it with as many people as possible before my ride here is over. :)

    If you think Beachbody Coaching could be something for you, please feel free to fill out the form below, and tell me a little about yourself! I am always looking for motivated, determined, coachable, loving people to join me on my team! We are in this TOGETHER! In just a couple of weeks, I am hosting a 21 Day New Coach Training that will give you ALL of the tools that you will need to succeed and go FAR in this business!

    *Plus, if you are active duty military or an active duty military spouse, find out how to coach for absolutely FREE!*

    Fill out my online form.
    There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

    Monday, October 6, 2014

    Cheeseburger Rice

    Want to enjoy the delicious taste of a cheeseburger without all of the extra fat and calorie content?! Try this recipe out! It is so easy and quick to throw together, and is ready in a matter of minutes. It will probably be consumed by you and your family in about the same amount of time as well! ;)

    Cheeseburger Rice


    -1 lb. lean ground turkey
    -2/3 cup sugar free ketchup
    -1 tablespoon mustard
    -2 cups MINUTE brown rice, uncooked
    -1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
    -1 3/4 cups water


    -Brown ground turkey in large skillet on medium-high heat and drain,
    -Add water, ketchup, and mustard; bring to a boil
    -Stir in brown rice. Sprinkle with cheese; cover. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes, or until rice is fully cooked.

    Enjoy! For you 21 Day Fix lovers, this will be 1 YELLOW, 1 RED, 1/2 BLUE, 1 TSP.

    Thursday, October 2, 2014

    Unapologetically ME!

    I did something that I wasn't proud of yesterday.

    I randomly flexed in the mirror, was shocked at my most recent improvements, snapped a picture, and shared on Instagram. But, I was nervous and didn't share it on Facebook. I was scared of what people may think. I was scared of being judged for being a female with slightly larger than normal muscle mass. 

    When I realized that these thoughts were coursing through my head, I then started to think, "WHAT?!?!? Everything you have worked so hard for, the things you have taught OTHERS not to fear, including judgement from others... and now you're going to run scared from the progress you are making because it may not match someone else's goals?"

    So, no more. I am firm believer in practicing what you preach. So many of the beautiful women on my team have been nervous to share their progress photos. Either they are not where they want to be yet, or just have not yet become comfortable with the thought of baring skin on social media. I always comfort them and let them know, "You know what? Someone needs to see this. Someone needs to know that you are going through the same things that they are, and you have tools to help them. You have succeeded no matter WHAT stage in your progress you are currently in." They always come to a realization, share their pictures, and draw in the people that NEEDED them in that moment, and needed their help.

    Why am I not telling myself the same things? Who cares if someone is going to judge my muscular figure? That's ok. Maybe I will not connect with them. But you know what, I can and will connect with someone that has the same goals as me, that is ready to shed those last few pounds of fat, that is in love with weightlifting and hates cardio, that would be proud to see defined muscles when they flex in the mirror.

    Goals change over time for each person. Mine are now to become the most fit, trim version of me with proper diet and exercise. I REFUSE to be ashamed of that. On Monday, I'm even going to restart P90X3 + Shakeology with one of my girls while using the 21 Day Fix containers to maintain portion control. I hope to be even MORE defined by the end of that!

    So, this is me. Unapologetically me. I like lifting heavy weights, I have a hard time giving up carbs, but I am seeing and striving for improvements every day. 

    I will never stop doing what I love!


    Fill out my online form.
    Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.