Sunday, May 3, 2015

Reese's Cup

Next time you are dying to get your hands on a gas station Reese's Bar or a pint of ice-cream that is SURE to put a dent in your progress, be strong for a few more minutes and make this recipe at home! You will wonder how in the world it's full of phytonutrients, vegetables, and antioxidants, and it will immediately kill those cravings for sure! This tastes and smells so much like a peanut butter pie, it's ridiculous!

Not only would this be a great late night sweet treat, but it is LOADED with protein for an awesome post workout shake as well!

Reese's Shakeology Recipe
Image from
What You'll Need:
-1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology (or Chocolate Vegan)
-1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
-1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt (my favorite brand is Fage- 20g protein per cup and NO added sugars!)
-1/3 cup fat free ricotta cheese
-2 tbsps. all natural peanut butter
-handful of ice

Shake together and ENJOY!

With love,

Amanda James

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