Monday, May 11, 2015

Days 5-7: The 21 Day Fix Weekend Struggle!

This weekend was an absolute whirlwind! 

I am proud to say, however, that I stayed true to the workouts and meals except for a couple of slip ups: my sister's bridal shower was on Saturday and I had a little cup of dessert, and I didn't make it back home until late with a pretty gnarly migraine last night, so I didn't get to do my happy yoga. However, today's Total Body Cardio Fix got done and I'm about to double up with yoga after I drink my Shakeo! I am NOT letting myself or anyone else down. :)

I also wasn't very good about taking pictures of my meals this weekend.  I hate it since I try to really share everything with you guys, but it was actually nice to have some moments when I was lost in the presence of family, friends, and food- enough to forget!

Friday was Cardio Fix, and the cardio days are always the most difficult for me. I don't know what it is... cardio and I just don't get along. But I always plug my headphones in, slurp down some preworkout, and get the 30 minutes over with. And, of course, feel AMAZING afterwards. I know the benefits from the inside out are so much more important than my complaining and not wanting to do it, so it always gets done! Luckily they only come around twice a week!

Saturday was rough, because I went to sleep very late Friday night and had to get up very very early Saturday morning to get my workout in, get some work done, and drive from Mary Esther, FL to Mexico Beach, FL while dropping my dog off at my parent's house. But, I was really proud of myself that I finished Dirty 30 strong that morning- NO excuses! Dirty 30 is pretty brutal, but a lot of people's favorites, including mine! 

I am really looking forward to making up for Sunday's yoga. This is one of my favorite yoga videos. It's so relaxing and I could honestly almost fall asleep every time. It's also just very stretchy and flowy. It's not filled with super tough moves that make you sweat bullets. Now, I love advanced yoga as well, but for the week we go through with 21 Day Fix videos... I always look forward to this easy yoga day!

I tried my best to start waking up early... I really did! This is one of the worst habits I have picked up since working at home: going to sleep late and waking up late. It just gives me anxiety and makes me feel lazy even if I worked hard the whole day after I woke up! lol. It's one things I'm really trying to shift and fix, just to give myself more peace.

However... this new preworkout I found is BOMB. It wakes me right up. Probably not great for my heart haha. But really, if you're not used to caffeine, definitely start with 1/2 a scoop. This is one I just stumbled upon at Walmart, and it's even 0 calories! I don't know how since it tastes pretty good and really works, so I'm going to have to look more into it... #whenitstoogoodtobetrue #itsprobablybad
Dreaded Cardio Fix that made me feel SO GOOD afterwards. I'm sure you can just tell by the look on my face! High 5 for Day 5 done!
I guess I forgot to take a picture of my Shakeology, but I remember this was lunch! One of my faves: craisin, sliced almond, feta cheese salad on romaine lettuce and homemade balsamic dressing.
2 greens, 1/2 purple, 1 blue, 1 orange

For dinner, I made stuffed peppers! Mmmm mmm. I just had one this night, though.
Each pepper was stuffed with brown rice, black beans, and lean ground turkey browned in homemade taco seasoning.
1 Green, 1 Red, 1.5 Yellow

Somehow the rest of my day went missing... I'm telling you, whirlwind weekend! lol


Saturday I woke up on barely any sleep for Day 6 Dirty 30, but I DID IT! Super proud hehe. Here's one of my favorite moves, although one of the hardest! Side planks with leg lifts are SO good for the gunk on our midsection, sides, and glutes, it's not even funny! Try 30 seconds on each side.

Post workout shake and tea for the drive! This tea has become a favorite now, too. Earl Grey with a tab of honey, almond milk, and Stevia. My cheap, not even close, rendition of London Fog but it's still delicious!

Shakeology was 1 scoop chocolate, spinach, mixed fresh berries, & PB.
1 Red, 2 Green, 1 Purple, 1 Tsp

And of course, I had to pack my personal development and Shakeology for the weekend away!!! Keeping the mind and body sharp, even during travel!

I thought I would include this because I'm fairly positive anyone following my blog hasn't seen me in anything but sweaty workout selfies... haha! Here's me with makeup- it exists!

It was a GORGEOUS day for a bridal shower on the beach!

For lunch we had breaded chicken breasts, salad, crescent rolls, and really yummy pudding stuff for dessert. I had one chicken breast, a huge salad, 1 roll, and a bit of pudding.

My beautiful sissy and I. She will be Mrs. Le on June 20!

Ok so I've been hearing all the rave about Quest bars and had to get some myself. I may get a lot of hate for this, but I was honestly NOT a fan. The cookies & cream one was ok. I can just never get on bored with the taste of protein bars. Yuck.


So this was naughty, but I'm just being honest! We totally had Micky D's for breakfast. It was really sweet though, because this used to be a family tradition. Growing up, every Sunday morning my dad would wake us up to their little pancake and sausage meals before we all went to church. We LOVED it. Of course as we got older, he stopped because it's just really unhealthy lol... but for him to have surprised us with it as we were all together again for Mother's Day, it was REALLY sweet. I just had 1 pancake and 1 sausage so...
1 Yellow, 1 Red

Before we did some boating, I got my Shakeo in!
1 scoop chocolate with strawberries and ice. "Chocolate Covered Strawberry"
1 Red, 1 Purple

The view from my parents' dock. So beautiful. I will always miss my childhood home!

My niece Lizzy and I about to get out exercise on! Jet ski time!

She loved that darn raft! lol. Too cute, huh?

My pup, Jesse James, and I heading back home after church, lunch, and Mother's Day fun. For lunch, we had gone to Chili's and I got shrimp and chicken fajitas. The tortillas were super small and I ate 2 of them. I ate all my veggies and protein, so it counted as a couple of containers each, I'm sure!
1 Yellow, 1.5 Green, 1.5 Red

I got home way later STARVING and ate my other stuffed pepper! I added fresh pico de gallo to the top and plain greek yogurt in place of sour cream.
1 Green, 1 Red, 1 Yellow (totally went over yellows today, UGH), 1/2 Purple

I'm also super excited for things going on business wise for my team and I! We are growing strong, people are leaving their full time jobs and able to spend more time with their families to coach full time, and it's just been a huge blessing.

There are two groups I have coming up that I would really love to extend an offer to anyone interested to join us!

On May 18th, I am starting a 5 Day Sneak Peak into Beachbody Coaching group. It is free and purely informational to see if coaching could be the right fit for you. If you have been in a sneak peak with me before, this one will probably be a bit different. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone and making all of the posts and videos myself for the topics so yeah, I'm a bit nervous but really excited to share everything with you guys. If you'd like to join us, just click on the picture here and it should send you to our Facebook page where you can just click "join group" and I'll approve you!

On May 25th, I'm starting two new online fitness challenge groups! This picture shows the special one I am running this month for military spouses only! I am getting serious with my fitness while Stephen is deployed and I know so many others want to do the same. However, I'm also starting  a group for anyone else interested, so please ANYONE feel free to click the picture below and fill out the application, and I will be right in touch with you about the details!

I hope everyone has a blessed and safe Monday! Remember to breathe and let's get through this week, strong!

With love,

Amanda James

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