Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Body Beast Days 1-3!

One of my favorite things about Beachbody is that they have programs for literally everyone. No matter what fitness level you are at, your background, injuries, strengths, etc- there is a program for you.

I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to do so many different programs. Every time I open up a new program, study the book, and go through the workouts, I learn so many different new things and my body changes in miraculous ways. It's so fascinating to me!

I knew going in that Body Beast was going to be a brand new, exciting challenge. I am prepared for my body to change in ways that it never has before. I'm prepared that by the end of the first 60 days, for the first time, I'm going to be bigger and heavier, rather than leaner, from where I started. It's going to be scary and uncharted territory for me, but I will just be proud to have made it. Then I know by the end of the 3rd month... if I do this right... I could quite possibly have the body I've always dreamed of.

I am currently going through Day 3 and can barely move any part of my body. LOL. Even with lots of water, stretching, and a TON of food, this program is TOUGH stuff! 

I am doing 35-50 mins of hardcore strength training each morning when I wake up, and eating 6-7 meals a day to total 2,200-2,400 calories. (I'm calculated to eat 2,300 and Sagi says to round up, so I  just fluctuate between the two calorie brackets depending on how I feel). 

This is my glorious meal plan. Yes, yes it is a LOT of food!

Thank goodness I can still drink my Shakeology or else I don't know what I'd do!

My healthy lean ground turkey burritos. Mmmmm. This whole eating a lot of carbs thing may not be too bad...

Leg day! The HARDEST workout I have ever done so far!

Post workout. One thing I learned: immediately after a workout you should only have carbs and protein at a 2:1 ratio! It fuels your muscles and recovery like crazy!

Chicken, veggies, and brown rice lettuce wraps. :)

Another Shakeology FULL of calories, of course! Shakeology has never been more crucial to a fitness program! The vitamins and supplements are essential to my muscle building.

More meals throughout the next day...

This was from Day 1, Chest & Tris! Loved it!

Alright, and here go the BEFORE pics & stats!
Biceps: 11.5
Waist: 28.3
Hips: 33
Thighs: 22.4

So excited to see where this journey leads me! If you'd like to join, Body Beast + Shakeology are still on an amazing sale for the rest of this month! Click on the link to join me and let's go through this ride together!

With love,

Amanda James

Monday, May 25, 2015

Time to BEAST UP! {For the ladies, too!}

As y'all know, my third round of 21 Day Fix came to an end on Sunday. It was pretty bittersweet as I said goodbye to my challengers and turned off my last workout. 

But, it was also a moment of excitement as I opened up a new door to a whole new challenge, unlike anything I've ever committed to or attempted before: BODY BEAST!

I have now completed two rounds of P90X3 and three rounds of 21 Day Fix. I absolutely love both programs, but I feel like my body has just kind of hit a plateau, and needs something really different and challenging. I have loved my results, but I want something new.

Body Beast can definitely be daunting for those who have never done a weightlifting regimen before or tried to track their nutrition. It is hardcore strength training for 35 mins-1 hour every single day, and a crazy amount of food for the first two months to build and bulk before the lean phase. I have to admit, I'm really nervous about this. Even as a female who wants to stay lean, I'll be consuming 2,300 calories a day for the first two months. But, that will still be consisting of clean, whole foods, so no junk. Therefore, I don't expect to literally "bulk" that much (since us females don't produce the hormones to do that naturally, anyway).

The whole premise is to seriously build muscle with the strength training exercises. If I was to do the workouts, and then not eat very much and not the correct foods at the correct times, my body would burn from fuel sources that I wouldn't want it to, and break down the muscle building components. So, while I won't be losing weight at first, I will be building lean muscle. The third phase, the Lean Phase, is where the fat scorching weeks will come in. It will consist of much more cardio and way fewer calories. This is when everyone gets seriously ripped and falls in love with the program. I know it'll be hard to undergo such a drastic change, but I'm seriously ready to challenge myself in ways I've never done before!

Before I go into more about Body Beast and my first day, I wanted to share the results from my previous challengers this month and how incredible they did. I am so in awe of their dedication and hard work. Seriously, my job brings me to tears most days as I get to watch women (and men) transform their lives from the inside out. I think these images will speak for themselves. By the way, these pictures are the results of just 21 days in our group together doing whatever program they chose and replacing one meal with Shakeology a day!

Jackie, a coach of mine, who has been in love with 21 Day Fix and Shakeology for quite some time now... I think it shows!!!

My sweet friend who joined me on her 21 Day Fix journey just this past month. I am over the MOON excited for her!

And umm.. this is her husband. OMG, right?! If you thought this program was just for women, you are so mistaken! He blew me AWAY!

This girl just brings me so much joy. She has worked so hard and has left me speechless. Do you see that tummy?! Truly amazing. Nutrition is EVERYTHING, y'all.

The bottom is before and the top is after, on this one! Can you believe the differences from EVERY angle?!! Amazinggggg!

Another coach of mine, Sandi, who has not only been extremely dedicated to her programs, BUT is also breastfeeding and ADDING calories onto her meal plan! And STILL look at her results!

There were even MORE incredible results than this, and I will continue to add them as they come in! You guys... the time to start is NOW. Don't wait for the perfect moment, the perfect day. That's what I had to learn. Who care's if it's on a Wednesday in the middle of the summer? You deserve to do this for YOU. You are worth this life change.

And as for my FIRST day of Body Beast... I'm currently dying from food overload just in the first half of the day. haha!!! But, I'm pushing through and hoping for the best!

My first workout was Build:Chest and Tri's! 45 minutes of chest and tricep strength training exercises. Post workout meal was eggs, turkey sausage, and bread! Here we goooo!
Forgot to take a photo til I was halfway done, lol! This was a burrito: lean ground turkey, homemade taco seasoning, refried beans, cheese, whole wheat tortilla, lettuce.

Shakeology snack! 1 scoop shakeo, 1 banana, ricotta cheese, peanut butter, ice, almond milk.

No joke... I still have 1,300 calories left for the day. Y'all pray for me as I go through this crazy ride!!!! :O

With love,

Amanda James

Thursday, May 21, 2015

21 Day Fix: Nearing the end...

It's pretty hard to believe my challengers and I only have 3 more days left in this round of the 21 Day Fix. It's incredible how fast time flies by! I have noticed such a big difference in my core, especially, from this round which tends to happen because it helps me keep my nutrition so on point. I have also really noticed a lot more definition just everywhere: legs, arms, shoulders, back. I'm excited to get some real pictures at the end of the 21 days!

I hardcore meal prepped mid last week, so I ate very repetitively over the last few days! Therefore, I saved everyone the trouble and just posted once or twice when eating the same meals, lol!

I think the MOST important part about being able to stick to a meal plan and your fitness journey as a whole is picking things that you love- meals and workouts that you actually enjoy. I hate cardio, so I'm not going to go buy Insanity and expect to stick with it. That's just not realistic. I DO love weightlifting and having a mixture of exercises to do, so P90X3, 21 Day Fix, and Body Beast have been right up my ally!

As for food, I do not force myself to eat certain things just because they are healthy. Through trial and error, I have found some staple foods and meals that I love and don't get tired of, and I stick with them. There is nothing wrong with making the same few meals over and over. In fact, most athletes do that because they don't have to guess their macros/micros, they remember the nutritional value, and they like. Easy as that. Unless you need constant variety, just choose the things you love and let it lead you to your results!

Here's some of what I enjoyed over the last few days...

See?! I'm so basic and boring with my food! Hahah. But, I LOVE turkey meatballs and I LOVE green beans. So why not?! They're pretty good together, too. Frozen food also saves me, I don't tend to eat a whole lot, so instead of spending lots of money on super fresh stuff just for it to go back, I resort to frozen things in bulk. It is still full of nutrients so no worries there! It saves me sooo much money and time!

If you haven't been able to tell, I love chips. And cheese. And I really enjoy using one of my yellow containers and my blue containers on them together a lot of days. I'm sure you are also starting to understand why I choose Mexican food as my cheat meal most times... :D

So, this happened. Chocolate Shakeology Pancakes! <-check a="" and="" ate="" batch="" big="" delicious="" for="" free="" guilt="" i="" made="" of="" off="" out="" re="" recipe="" rest="" td="" that="" the="" them="" they="" totally="" week.="">

Sooooo melt in your mouth good.

Morning routine! Preworkout, and if I need it, a packet of Shakeo. Sometimes I need a little bit of something in my stomach before a hardcore workout! Shakeo is always the way to go!

Leg day almost done!!! I LOVE these workouts so much. Enjoying your exercises it of utmost importance.

Yes, that would be my chocolate pancakes with peanut butter on top. Sold yet?! And a cup of Earl Grey with honey, stevia, and a touch of almond milk. Noms.

Preworkout before exercise time... Mornings are only my friends after this stuff! Haha!

Thankfully it was yoga day. Notice I am still in my PJ's. That's why working out at home is the BEST.

Jesse was not thrilled it was already exercise time again. He tends to think when we go upstairs it means play time... he is mistaken!

This was one of the big meals I prepped. It is so easy and yummy. Grilled chicken, red potatoes, and green beans in rows with italian seasoning tossed over all of it. I baked it for 45 mins at 375 degrees. I also enjoyed some bubbly with it. :)

And of course... one thing that NEVER fails is having my big Shakeology breakfast EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I attribute SO much of my fitness success to it and I will never stop! I have drank it every single day since November 2013 and I will continue to go strong!

Next online BIKINI READY challenge group starts THIS Monday! Ahhhh! So sad to have my current amazing group end, but every month I am always SO excited to help new ladies, and even those who want to come back for more! If you'd like to join us, just fill out the form below and I cannot WAIT to help you get ready for the summer. They are a blast and the only thing better than starting a new fitness journey, is starting it with others for support. :)

-->APPLY HERE for Fitness and FUN!!

With love,

Amanda James

Friday, May 15, 2015

21 Day Fix: Days 8-12! Halfway DONE!

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for being a HUGE slacker, yet again, on food pics! Haha this week has consisted of so many lunch dates with sweet friends that I honestly forget to take a picture in the moment, although I included the ones I remembered to or the leftovers afterwards!

It's been a hectic week, but a really great one. I've also been listening to a lot of personal development and trainings from other coaches, and have started to make some big business changes for myself. I'm really excited about them, and it's really more just about time management and figuring out the things I NEED to be spending my time doing, so that for other times I can be having the freedom I've been working so hard for the last year.

Being a Beachbody coach, to me, is all about doing what I love, but also building a life of freedom for myself. I left my 8-5 job for a reason, and it was NOT to be working at my house from 7am-10pm! It usually doesn't really feel like "work," but I was spending so much unnecessary time on things and I'm excited to put an end to it, especially because my husband is coming home (soon) so I want to have this new plan in place by the time he is here! That way, when I'm spending time with him, I'm really just spending time with him (not mindlessly scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, messaging people back, etc). There will be a time and a place for those things and I so appreciate the patience that I know my customers and team will have with me. It means the world, and that's another reason it's important to me... I want to lead by example and show me team just how easily we can make an incredible income by just doing our "Power Hour" each day and having the rest of the day to spend doing the things we need to do for ourselves, our family, and our friends. I am so blessed.

Without further adieu, here is the past week for you!


Total Body Cardio Fix Day! To the right would be the Move of the Day (#MOTD)- Weighted Surrenders! This workout is killer, man! But such a great start to the week!

I was soooo excited to see this beauty waiting on my doorstep... I think Shakeology shipping day is every Beachbody lover's favorite day!!!! I definitely enjoyed some chocolatey goodness for breakfast with chilled coffee mixed in! Mmmm.
(1 Red, 1 Purple, 1 Green, 1 Tsp)

I ran errands left and right this day, so had a Kashi bar as a snack on the go! That's one thing I ALWAYS have- some healthy snacks in my purse! No. matter. what. Getting hungry and stuck around town is one of the worst things ever- talk about temptation to go get take out!
(1/2 Yellow, 1/2 Orange)

I met my sweet friend for lunch at Zoe's in Destin, and it was AMAZING! I got half of a pimento cheese sandwich and a big Greek salad. I didn't eat all of the bread pictured here... don't worry! Haha! Although my carbs were definitely DONE for the day! I also had some of her hummus shown below!
(1.5 Yellow, 2 Green, 1 Blue)


Upper Fix Day! I filmed myself doing push ups because I know I need to work on my form. I'll be working on going lower and making sure to keep my head in line with my spine! I have a bad habit of looking down the whole time.

Post workout shake! Chocolate Shakeo, spinach, skim ricotta cheese, apples. PB. :)
(1.5 Red, 2 Green, 1 Purple, 1 Tsp)

Afternoon snack! Corn Tortilla Chips and a piece of pepper jack cheese!
(1 Yellow, 1 Blue)

For dinner was brown rice, black beans, and a fried egg on top. I know it sounds weird, but just TRUST me! lol
(1 Yellow, 1 Red)

See... Jesse wanted some too!

I was bad about posting my last shake and other snack this day, but I definitely finished out my portions!

Lower Fix Day! I added a little bit of extra calf raises at the end! Try doing weighted calf raises at all 3 of these angles for 30 seconds each: toes facing forward, toes facing out (like a ballerina), and toes facing in! You will definitely feel the burn!

Best workout shake! Red, white, and blue prettiness!
1 scoop chocolate Shakeo, spinach, fresh berries, Greek yogurt, PB!
(1.5 Red, 1 Green, 2 Purple, 1 Tsp)

Another lunch with a sweet friend! We went to Fusion Bistro, which is a really healthy, fresh little restaurant here in Fort Walton Beach. This was just part of my leftovers, but I should have gotten a full picture! It was FULL of veggies. I got the veggie stir fry with added tofu, a ginger salad, and a size of zucchini. I probably had TOO many veggies this day, if that's even possible! Haha.
(1 Red, 3 Green, 1 Yellow, 1 Orange)

Night snack was a piece of whole wheat bread with some Zoe's pimento cheese on it. Mmm!
(1 Yellow, 1 Blue)

THUSRDAY: I woke up out for the count and was the whole day. I really injured my neck from Wednesday's workout somehow, or maybe sometime before that, but Thursday is Pilate's which requires a lot of neck action! Holding planks, doing lots of sit ups, etc. So I took a break this day.
FRIDAY (Today!)

My neck is still pretty bad, but I still did my Cardio Fix! #MOTD is "Ups and Downs." Start in a plank position and go down to sphinx and back up to plank, alternating between starting with your right and left arm for 30 seconds each! Killer for the whole body! I definitely need to get my neck checked out today!

Relaxing with some personal development this morning. Just thought it was picture worthy. :) I'm reading Dave Ramsey's EntreLeadership and it is phenomenal!

Post workout shake and work time!

That's all for me today and possibly the rest of the weekend. It's time for some relaxation and friends! I hope everyone has an amazing weekend! I have some pretty incredible groups coming up, including our new Fitness Challenge to be bikini READY for the Summer! Click below to apply to be in it today and we'll go over details! Can't wait!!!!

With love,

Amanda James